abigolcwock's Replies

No pronouns I'm guessing As someone who worked with people with dementia, Hopkin's demeanor was so spot on that it was giving me PTSD. The way it showed how suspicious he was, and why, as we see the story from his perspective, was incredibly well done and was exactly like a lot of the men in particular. But you have to keep in my with these people that they're just like you and me and are not some evil pricks that are just out to get you. They just want answers because they're so disoriented that we cannot even comprehend how disoriented they truly are. Me and my coworkers would often lose our cool as you have to be incredibly patient or have some weird personality trait that fits this line of work (there's a reason the turnover rate is so high in this line of work). Although physical violence is where I draw the line, but I would be lying if I said I hadn't been aware of it at the place I worked at. Not anything as dramatized as in the movie, but some of the staff there would be more than rough with a patient they disliked when helping them dress and such. And yes, this movie is probably the best movie in the dementia genre. Still Alice is probably the worst I've seen, as I feel this subject requires a lot more respect than most and having Alec Baldwin and other A list celebrities in a run of the mill drama with lazy cinematography and writing, was just offensive to me. Amour is another really good one btw, although it's not really dementia in this case, but a wife slowly deteriorating after a stroke. Are you a real person? What do you mean by equality? Voting rights? Are you just trying to get a rise out of people here? there it is again, wtf does it have to do with dignity? I despise this topic because of how intellectually dishonest it feels. People either think that trans people are their preferred gender or they don't. Both sides, but mainly the ones pro trans try to force you to think their way and it drives me up the fucking wall, man. If I don't see someone as their preferred gender, of course I'm going to come towards the whole bathroom debate and such from a different angle, doesn't make me a bigot, or at least not in my opinion. And if people really think that makes me a bigot, I'm not going to debate this with them because I feel like their whole outlook on life is just way too black and white. I would still call them by their preferred name and even pronoun when it mattered, although I wouldn't agree with it, I don't want to go out of my way to hurt anyone's feelings. But these people got to understand that I just fundamentally disagree with them and forcing me to act differently will obviously cause some pushback. But I don't want to be associated with some of the retards who spam this board with hate though, especially the idiot who brought her up when I was discussing Inception, an awesome movie btw, and she wasn't even remotely relevant to the discussion apart from being part of the cast. And another thing, I hate how condescending these people who argue with me are, like they have the moral highground and I have no idea what I'm talking about. It really boils my blood. You sound a bit retarded yeah, shortly after season 1 I could see the series was just not the same anymore with AMC halfing the budget and doubling the episodes for season 2 My problem with anti abortionists is how black and white this is to them. Like, no matter how entrenched you are, making a rape victim raise their rapists child is just wrong. I feel if you argue otherwise you are just doing it to not give any ground to the other camp. And at that point I fully lose respect for someone's opinion. I know you're joking, but it was just extremely embarrassing. Or at least as embarrassing you can be on an anonymous internet site cringe comment. You got some issues my man well, what's the alternative? that's pretty neato. Also did you delete your bump comment? No nude scenes, so no "most of the world still hates mutants or at least wants to eradicate them from existence" Huh? Well said. Was always frustrated and surprised by how reviews of this movie never seemed to mention any of this stuff, even if they didn't like the movie, so I thought I'd write my own Like the others, I have a hard time explaining it, which is usually the case I feel with objectively describing attraction, so I wont try You mean in the 5th one or if they had done it in the 4th one? Because I think even in Crystal Skull it would've been too late Yeah, it's called "just watch an actual movie instead of edits of trash" ye