abigolcwock's Replies

I don't really see the problem? It's not like it's Reddit where you can downvote someone into oblivion with alts, the only people here that can silence you are mods. Unless you're really thin skinned this just seems kinda entertaining to me Did Halloween 3 bomb? Too lazy to look it up, but I wouldn't be surprised probably, she looked pretty lonely and miserable xd I like how 1 or 2 people actually discussed the point of the post, and the rest are just idiots saying "I liked it or I never heard anyone pan it". It's commonly said that the movie was critically panned on release and the point of this post is asking if that was actually a thing or not. Not if the movie is good or not or if you knew about this fact, but for someone to actually give him some insight. I myself was also curious because I never gave it too much thought if it was actually critically panned or not, just kinda accepted it because everyone said so. But this guy actually did some research and is here to discuss this with you people, and it's like you didn't even read his post. Pisses me off. I personally think it's a bit overblown from what I've seen after doing a lil research myself. But am curious if someone who was alive and into movies back then can actually make a decent comment in this thread Use the program called classic shell. It made me go from trying everything to go back to windows 7 to being pretty content Rick Potion #9 kinda ruined Rick and Morty for me, as it is leagues ahead of any other episodes That would redeem the sequel and prequel trilogy, maybe propelling them to even greater heights than the OT maybe to future generations it will be seen as such It's like tearing a band-aid off. If the dog's stubborn with entering water, it's better to just throw him in rather than ease him into it. Pretty basic stuff Nigger is used a lot in movies. Definitely more in the past, but you can still see it in movies today, especially in Tarantino films. I think it was already a pretty bad term in the 80's so it's to show that the waiter isn't nearly as nice as he initially seemed The Last Jedi was masterfully crafted to completely kill any hype most people had for the sequel series. I myself was pretty happy with Episode 7 and was a little hyped for Last Jedi, but the movie somehow not only managed to be a pretty bad movie but also made Episode 7 a lot worse by existing. You can debate whether that's on JJ or Rian, but the conclusion is the same. I wasn't really there for the prequel hype, but I suppose that Anakin turning bad was at least a bit of a selling point as opposed to the nothing Episode 9 has to offer. Christmas is a classic, dunno what you're on about I doubt they'd try to look behind a big ass shelf that looked to be stuck to the wall, and they had no reason to expect that he was still in the house People don't seem to realize that their lives would be a whole lot better if they stopped worrying about things that they can't change so they keep spamming posts about climate change on a website for movies. Because they can't actually do anything about it, so they do the only thing they can do, argue about it with people that don't hold the same opinion as them. I'm glad none of my friends give a shit about politics, because every person that I've known that cares about politics, either left or right, is just obnoxious to interact with Because caricatures of stereotypes are pretty entertaining to everyone except the ones getting stereotyped. And hollywood entertains Depends what movie. If I respect the movie and haven't seen it before, usually not The fact I couldn't think of any didn't mean there weren't any. But yeah, part of the reason I made this thread was a way to get examples cuz they suck try to make it a lil less obvious that you don't actually read the posts you comment on, just kinda glance at the title