abigolcwock's Replies

If Roma can't win because the academy hates streaming, then I don't see it fairing any better for The Irishman. And as Green Book won last year, you can't really make definitive statements like these anymore thought Rourke was known to be quite the handful, which is the reason nothing came of the incredible comeback he had with The Wrestler and Iron Man 2 It obviously isn't just you, as some serial killers are still talked and theorized about to this day. As to why, it's probably just because they're different from the norm, not boring like the rest of us, same reason anyone's famous really If you can't even make it through the first season of Lost, gl with the rest of the series oh, sorry, misunderstood your question. I don't think it was clearly stated, but heavily implied. But then again, it's been a while Been a while since I've seen it now, but wasn't it made pretty clear that Tommy Lee Jones' character killed them by draining the oxygen out of their part of the space station? Not like most company are going to be DMCA-ing porn, just isn't a good look Even if that is true, it doesn't matter as Forrest is happy with her and their son Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. And he was for most of my life I only like 2 Star Wars movies, Empire and New Hope. They are truly great movies and it's a shame that nothing that came after is even close. Force Awakens is probably closest but Last Jedi kinda made it a lot worse by existing, and RotJ is just kinda meh. Probably not watching the new one in the thearer (will prob download it someday though) unless it gets really exceptional reviews. Hope they make something in the Star Wars universe completely separate from the main story someday, as the current one just seems creatively bankrupt Sean Penn over Mickey Rourke There is a Clone Wars movie Huh, I thought she was out. But can see there's a Black Widow movie coming out next year. This does change my perspective quite a bit because I thought she wanted to leave to do more artsy stuff which has basically been her main thing outside of Marvel One advantage Moviechat has over Reddit is that it gives insane people a voice because no downvotes. The fact that you're accusing a user of lying on here and that user doesn't just laugh, but actually argues the point is hilarious. And you calling him a 'she' because he called you a 'she' before looks like something straight out of a skit. At first I was pretty annoyed by all the political posts on here who were overshadowing actual movie discussion. But I realized for someone to come on here, a movie forum, to discuss politics means they at least have a few screws loose. So reading these posts is always bound to be enjoyable, as you got characters like Doggiedaddy and Chilone to make your day a little brighter Wait, so you're telling me that the Terminator franchise has inconsistent time travelling rules that fall apart if you even think about them for a second? You're crazy man My guy, what are you doing. Sure, if you gotta do it early, do it early. But don't make your daughter take part in the dirtywork, now she'll start associating Christmas with November which is all kinds of wrong Skip both and read the books. Although Fellowship of the Ring is actually a great movie, and season's 1-3 of GoT, but the rest is just absolute trash Maybe space these out a little more so you can actually "get" someone. This is already a pretty pathetic cry for attention but at least troll right if you're gonna do it. And don't put 'gotcha' in the body. Space them out, no 'gotcha', and you might truly ruin someone's day your brother's a fucking nerd I read the book, and although the details are a little hazy, I do remember a lil bit. The portal was basically one way for a couple of reasons. For one it's a fixed point in history, you always go to the exact time and place every time you use it, so time doesn't pass there when you aren't using it. Second, you go through a wall in a place rarely traversed. And the third is kinda tied to your second question. It's magic, and there's some external force controlling events, and this force also keeps people from the spot. Except, I suppose people who were already there before hand? Not entire sure. But that's why the yellow card guy is all fucked up, he is next to this time portal and is heavily affected by it, he doesn't completely reset every time like everything else. But I didn't watch the show so all this may be completely irrelevant to your question