abigolcwock's Replies

I was under the impression that characters died when actors wanted to leave or studios wanted them to leave, and that writers had little to no bearing. Kinda doubting the authenticity of this article Godfather restaurant scene Huh, never really took note of the numbers in the brackets next to everyone's name, but I assume this is how many posts and comments a user has made. But your reply is very interesting to me because I also use Reddit quite a bit, and never ever had anyone reply with my karma to one of my comments as a snarky reply. And while both metrics are quite meaningless, at least karma isn't self imposed. Your comment is funny, sad, and very thought provoking There are two Godfather movies and a spinoff, not sure how that counts as a trilogy By definition it isn't. It's an oligopoly. And companies may be a bit more stable nowadays, but I think Disney is far from untouchable Every generation is elitist. To quote the great Michael himself "every generation thinks they're smarter than the last, and wiser than the next" Stereo because surround sound is always either way too loud or way too quiet. Or at least mine have been How long is a presidential term? 4 years? And he was elected in 2016. Now lets do the math, 2016+4 = why do you give a fuck Godfather isn't a trilogy The trailer sucked, it was actually just awful, so wouldn't be surprised if that's doing something. I was genuinely confused what the movie was even about when the trailer showed before a movie I went to they make fun of everything, not sure why trans people should be off limits Many, including me, think it wouldn't translate well to screen. What makes the book is the prose, something that is hard to do on film, and of course the Judge is pretty difficult to cast. People also say the violence is also unfilmable, but I disagree, there are many movies and tv shows out there that are more gory. And most of the worst stuff is implied or off screen, like the child abuse stuff There are too many individuals for categorization not to be a thing. And be happy you live in a world where there's a question asking if celebrities are gay on every single board, that's hilarious all of season 4 and most of season 3 episodes just made me wish I was watching a season 1 or 2 episode instead Isn't the last movie coming out this year? I remember Last Jedi coming out around Christmas last time so I assume the next one is right around the corner. And people are rewatching all the movies up til this one before going to the theater. Not sure why they'd rename this one instead of just creating a new board for marathon discussing, not that it is even necessary, you can easily discuss marathoning on any of the individual Star Wars movie boards A Storm of Swords, Blood Meridian, and Philosopher Stone. The objectively best 3 books of all time I'm curious if this "woke" crowd even watches these movies they put all their support into. Because they almost always flop, because most people don't really want to see these movies, they want to see good movies. And that includes these people, they talk the talk, because that is easy. But when it actually comes to paying with your money and wasting an hour and a half in a movie theater, that's where they stop. A 30 year old with an 18 year old is also taboo, a big difference in age always is, just more the younger they are. And I don't get the 'how' in your question, it's a law that was set in the past, and it's almost always around 16-18 this has to be the worst opinion I have ever seen on a site discussing movies ever, or on any site in general for that matter If you're gonna try to force this thing by including Clone Wars and Force Awakens you might aswell count RotJ in and call it nine duds in a row. Maybe there really are only two Star Wars movies that are truly great films, but I would only say there are two duds in the franchise with RotS and TLJ being almost-duds