abigolcwock's Replies

Don't think he has 15 years in him. Unless he has an intervention you'll probably enjoy the newer seasons then (5-7), they really cater to the lowest common denominator ye, mental illnesses have plagued the human race from the start. But unlike most of human history, now these people have enablers starting to suspect that you're actually Priscilla. Because who else would give a shit after The King has been dead for 40 years? Well, I'm of the opinion that he was innocent, so there isn't anything to cover up. And if he isn't innocent, his image has been tarnished anyway. And because he's dead I think the only thing they stand to gain from this is money (and I have a feeling that they would agree with me on that point) I'm sure MJ's corpse feels awful about it. They sure showed him! The only people this is hurting is MJ's family, who are innocent. ? He's just annoyed that today's culture can't separate the art from the artist. Especially in a scenario like this where MJ didn't even create the episode. He's just a voice in it. If he actually was a predator, I got nothing against people not playing his music in public places (although I don't really care for it anyway). But this is one of Simpson's best episodes and it's wrong on so many levels to pull it. A dangerous precedent set being one of them. depends on the celebrity and money involved. A weekend with Tom Hanks? Hell yeah, I'd be angry with my parents if they had denied me such an opportunity as a child. Would do it for free (would prob be like a charity thing that Tom Hanks was doing or something) But just like Butter's parents, I wouldn't pass up a billion dollars even if it was ol' Spacey. Although I don't actually have kids. But it is a billion dollars, just keep that in mind prob wasnt the first aspiring comedian to annoy him Just watch Asian cinema or something then, whino. And confirmation bias is a thing, are you perhaps a mongoloid? Wow, you sure do have a keen eye! Never noticed the similarities OP is a retard. If this formula wasn't working out they wouldn't be remaking a live version of literally every IP they can dig up Comparing season 2 of Family Guy with present day Simpsons is just wrong. Unless you're comparing the golden ages of both, then we'd have to agree to disagree Something tacked on by the creator later on holds as much merit as anything viewers can come up with and assume. Just ask George, JK Rowling, Ridley Scott, and Steven Spielberg himself with those goddamned walkie talkies There's a zipper on the back I can relate. Polio ruined mine That story wasn't made to be a 90 minute movie, it's a horror story told in like 5 minutes. Would've been a fine addition to an anthology tv series I hope at least one Marvel fan knows who you are or this would be some next level cringe It also set up the tripwire hook which I was sure the news journalist would trigger. But I don't think it ever even appeared on screen after it's only use in the movie which was keeping the main dude from exploring any further.