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Bad things about windows 10

Things that piss me off about the windows OS

1) Searching from the start menu . wtf?. they made the "menu" aspect of it pretty unusable so i generally use its search function, trouble is if it cant find what im looking for on the start menu , instead of a "no" it goes of and searches the fucking internet and fills the results with shit! Theres me searching for an app called transfer and my start menu is full of pictures of fucking football!!!

2) secret shortcuts. The only job a shortcut has in life is to point to a file or a folder , but the posh ones (like the ms office ones) wont fucking tell you the name or location of the file they point at !

3) Its nigh on impossible to customise the start menu and put links to things you want - all that "Pin to start" bullshit refuses to work if , say, its a network folder , or file location , or any other way it might actually be useful , windows refuses to do it.

4 ) libraries . useless ,pointless and confusing.



It looks cheap and nasty, like freeware. I went back to Windows 7.


And trying to turn off automatic updates is a nightmare.


I agree that it use to be easier to find things and to fix things oneself. And you use to be able to look at the task manager and know immediately what belonged and what didn't.
But now there's no way to tell...and so many much memory gobbled up. And so many things they want you to use that I don't want to use. And that automatic update is rude..
I did away with that tile pin it function in the menu but I still think I'd prefer to roll back to 7 although I think it's coming up on being called "outdated"..


well good news all , Win 7 offically retires in about 3 months , so you'll have to experience 10


Microsoft can retire what they want. I'll keep using my Win 7 until it breaks. And then move completely Android. Fuck Win 10!


Use the program called classic shell. It made me go from trying everything to go back to windows 7 to being pretty content


Just as you get use to using Windows 10, they’ll introduce Windows 11, for your enhanced customer experience (naturally).
