MovieChat Forums > Politics > Donald Trump Rally Video Shows Mass 'Wal...

Donald Trump Rally Video Shows Mass 'Walking Out' During Speech

Here is 35 unedited minutes showing hundreds of MAGA walking out on Trump while he’s still talking.

Fake News! Everyone knows over 100,000 Trump supporters attended this rally and no one left early because Trump said so and he never lies.


100,000 people showed up...who cares a if few went home early.


Not even close, cupcake. The only ones claiming that there was 100,000 people at this event are Trump, Fox News Entertainment and Trump supporters. There were maybe 10,000 of Trump's band of barking seals at this rally. If ignorance is bliss then you must be very happy!


Yeap, they’re leaving to beat traffic. I know this from personal experience.


I linked to a video to backup my claim. Now produce your proof that the 2020 election was stolen.

Someday you will stop making excuses for Trump and his dumbass supporters then you will find real happiness.


its just people standing around. fake news! twitter is fake news!


The video doesn't lie and your orange master is through. I can't wait to vote for Biden again. Oh, you love Twitter when it favors Trump.


Funny how they cite twitter as a reliable source only when they think they have something to brag about.

Apparently, TDS has no boundaries or limits. How sad.


The video doesn't lie no matter the source. But then I'm dealing with a complete fucking moron who still believes that the 2020 election was stolen and refuses to provide any evidence that you claim to have. Unlike you I provided evidence to my claim.

Deal with it. Trump is no longer popular and he's going down fast. How anyone could worship twice impeached four times indicted sexual abuser one term disgraced ex-president Trump is really a mystery.


That video shows that a few people left to beat traffic.

It proves nothing except your mental derangement and obsession with Trump. Seek help.


We've already determined that I obsess over things so what? I'm posting comments on a public message board that show Trump's very poor behavior because I find it fun. You don't know me so why do you care.

After viewing the whole 35 minutes of this video it shows hundreds of Trump's assholes going out the gate while Trump babbling nonsense to the remaining crowd. I know facts terrify you.

Trump supporters showed up to see Trump produce new information with his campaign. Instead he just droned on with about what a victim he is, cried that nobody loves him and of course claims that the Democrats and President Biden are illegally charging him with 88 felonies to make Trump look bad. Trump didn't produce any campaign platforms except that if reelected again he will get revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. You and Trump are finished.

Your stupidity and gullibility continues...


We have been to rallies and we always left early to beat traffic, same with others that we know.
That's reality and facts.

I'm convinced that your condition is not just because your're brainwashed or mentally ill with some type of PTSD, but because you live in a fantasy world of your own design to fit whatever narrative you prefer.


Okay.. Whatever. How about you provide your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen because you are obviously living in some kind Trump echo chamber and are just too stupid to see it.

So your claiming that Trump supporters at Trump's New Jersey rally left early by the hundreds just to beat traffic? That's the best excuse you have? Sorry, your excuses won't work here.

Face it. Trump is losing support daily and I know you see it. There are just not enough of you dumbasses to reelect Trump.

I'm convinced that your condition is not just because your're brainwashed or mentally ill with some type of PTSD, but because you live in a fantasy world of your own design to fit whatever narrative you prefer.

Again, why are you so obsessed with my mental health? You don't even know me. But so you know I'm thriving and very happy and it doesn't matter who is president so my life goes on. Just more stupidity from you.


why are you so obsessed with my mental health?

Why are you obsessed with Trump?


I've explained to you numerous time that I do obsess over many things and making posts to show Trump's stupidity is fun for now. Maybe you should save this comment so you can read it before asking again why I obsess over Trump.


Maybe you should bookmark and save this post so you can reference it the next time you troll others for using twitter as a source or citing videos regardless of the source.

[–] robocat893 (13656) 2 hours ago
The video doesn't lie no matter the source.


Are you really so stupid that you think this video is some kind fake? I just wish I could see your face the moment you realize that Trump is just a criminal and a grifter and that he cares nothing about you. That moment is coming soon. Trump doesn't even know you exist. Why you worship Trump is beyond me.


Are you so pitiful to believe that this is personally about me in any way? How pathetic.

Things were better under Trump.


Okay, let's try again. Are you really so stupid that you think this video is some kind of fake?

Show your proof that the 2020 election was rigged in some way. If you release your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen then Trump will be reinstated as president and all 88 felony charges mostly for being a traitor that he's facing will be dismissed.

Why won't you help Trump with your evidence? You worship Trump so help him!

Things are better under Biden. I'm thriving so why aren't you?


Didnt you get a warning from the moderators about continually spamming your demands for " proof that the 2020 election was rigged in some way" ???
It is getting *really* tiresome.
And I dont just mean its annoying for maga cult morons ,
I mean its annoying regardless of which "side" you're on.
Cant you just bring it up when it fits into the conversation ??
Rather than just trot out the same trired shit at rsandomw intervals as a so called comeback for completey unrelated stuff?

Also its not just TVfan that says it and wont prove it , its all of them.
(except one who conceded it may not have been rigged )


I get it. I do obsess over many things but I realize that I'm being a pain in the ass. Obviously there is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen so I will stop asking.




Walter Masterson is an unknown actor:
Google his name, some youtube kook/troll!


I've never heard of him but I would like to see Llama Cop.


He's rambling. They're bored. They're leaving.


Trump can be heard babbling in the background of this video. He has one campaign platform and it's just getting revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. Most Americans won't vote for that.


Most won't, but the problem is the Electoral College which gives a large voting advantage to the idiots who will vote for him. There is also a problem with gerrymandering and other Republican voter suppression.
