B1cKsurN's Replies

Ashli Babbit would be celebrating her 39th birthday this October if she hadn't been murdered by the only cop that's not a bastard... I'm still shocked Biden won the 2020 Primary. Imagine having literally every system in place to give you an advantage in life, and you still find a way to "suffer"... Or is this just racist, White leftists projecting as usual? "I don't understand it" = Misinformation! "I don't like it" = Disinformation! "It hurt my feelings" = It's MAGA's Fault! "It's mean to Poopy Pants" = Nazis! "It's truth and/or facts" = Only <b>my</b> sources are real! No, this literally didn't happen. Stop believing fake news. Aaaaand it's fake! You take pleasure in the murder of another human... Do you start touching yourself every time you think of Ashli dead and bleeding out? You know who likes to kill innocent people? Lieutenant Michael Byrd. You're so happy she's dead it's creepy. Clicks and cash. Ummm, Reich is the German word for Realm... what is the issue? What is wrong with a Unified Realm? <blockquote>I would like to see Robo do this! lol</blockquote> Proof MTG would break Robo in half, but I'm sure he'll find something misogynistic to say about her. Do you actually believe the nonsense you type? is your mouth broken? You do it. Anyone paste the Cliff Notes from this wall of text? He can't. Presidents can only serve two terms. Consecutive, or non-consecutive. It's like 14% where are you getting your fake numbers? Snopes was originally the Urban Legend database until 2016. It was actually a very cool website back then and it was fun reading about all the old and new urban legends and non-political conspiracy theories like New Coke switch and stuff like that. In 2016, they jumped on this fack-checking nonsense and were caught several times editing their information in real-time which got them labeled as a Fake News site. They kinda killed their own credibility a long time ago. Tell that to Ashli Babbit. Pfizer is escaping criticism by sponsoring all the cable news channels and networks. That tweet still has no notes on it.