MovieChat Forums > tsrts > Replies

tsrts's Replies

Looked like Bevis or Butthead, but they weren’t around in ‘87. Also “Dude” That’s more of a 90s thing. Isabelle was an unknown when Bedroom Window came out. Steve the Gute Guttenberg was famous at the time. Good flick 😁👍👍 Canada is a cool place. If you save up your money, you could buy the Blu Ray of this film. [quote] Any of these ladies still work?[/quote] The leader girl of PED (Pigs,Elephants and Dogs) was in Mad Men. Surely, you can’t be serious . . . 70s were an amazing time to be a movie fan. Nowadays, not as amazing . . . Funny, back then, they were just good movies. Now, they are considered all-time classics. Both came out in 1980, and both are comedy classics. In terms of holding up, they are equal. Airplane has a little more universal appeal, where as Caddyshack tends to be more wacky. Having said that, Airplane 2 has held up a heck of a lot better than Caddyshack 2… Bonzo’s sequence was the most down to earth. That was most definitely one of the best Tales episodes. Darren McGavin was such a great actor. Weak bro. Jay Mohr provides the comedy relief. One of this year’s best 😁👍 Highly Recommend ! Spoiling stuff is bad. Indeed, the Barbieheimer thing boosted sales dramatically. From IMDB ~ <b>In 2013 star Blanchard Ryan discussed her full nude scene in a podcast interview, including seeing it with her parents. She felt the scene was a gratuitous move but agreed it was necessary because the beginning of the movie was boring and they needed something to wake people up. When she saw it with her parents at a screening, they both had different reactions. Her father took it in stride because he comes from a sports background and has a locker room mentality about nudity. But her mom was horrified about seeing her "little girl" naked on screen. Ryan said she and her father laughed about it because her mom was more worried about Ryan taking her clothes off in front of the world than her being in danger swimming with real sharks.</b> A review of some Winona Ryder thing? Anyhoo, Seriously Red looks like a good flick. I must check it 😄☝️ The perfect rock vocalist. Nobody can touch Planty. Hands down, number 1☝️