MovieChat Forums > The Initiation of Sarah (1978) Discussion > Does anyone remember a sexual harassment...

Does anyone remember a sexual harassment charge arising from this movie?

I seem to recall in the 80's reading that some of the actresses in this movie complained about their treatment on this film and perhaps some other films.
Does anyone else recall this?


No, but I find it a very intriguing thought.



I find that strange seeing that Fairchild went topless in THE SEDUCTION.


So because she appeared nude in a theatrical movie, she should have no problem taking her clothes off for unnecessary nude scenes that would never get past the censors in a made-for-TV movie? She at least has common sense, seemingly more than some commenters.

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


I also imagine she was paid quite a bit more for The Seduction in 1982 than she was for this 1978 TV movie, which was made before her breakthrough performance on Flamingo Road.

That show's what basically put her on the map.



YES! Ha! Some of the actresses were complaining that they were being exploited b/c of their then good looks. Kay Lenz was interviewed and said that because she was playing the "downtrodden" part, she was not involved in any so-called 'exploitation'.

Any of these ladies still work?

I think you are reading too much into it, honestly.


Morgan Fairchild makes an appearance every now & then, as does Kay Lenz.

Not sure about any others.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."




I fucking hate your smug alleged signature.


Any of these ladies still work?

The leader girl of PED (Pigs,Elephants and Dogs) was in Mad Men.


Boca Raton News, March 10, 1978:

Screen Actors Guild protests nudity on TV
Knight-Ridder Newspapers

Because of complaints by performers that they feel "exploited" by some TV series and specials that stress cleavage and other displays of female anatomy, the Screen Actors Guild has reminded the Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers and the United-Paramount employer unit, the Alliance, of contractual restrictions on sex and nudity. It is the first time that the rules, previously applied only to feature films, have been cited in connection with TV programs.

Women performers were especially disturbed by some of the undressing required of them for ABC's Feb. 6 "The Initiation of Sarah," claiming they knew that the shots would never be permitted on television and charging that they were made only for the titillation of crew members, editors and some 25 gaping visitors to the set.

Under the SAG contract, performers must be advised beforehand that a part calls for nudity or sex and must give written consent to such scenes. Also, sets are supposed to be off-limits to visitors under such circumstances. J&pg=2709%2C1911816


That's totally messed up. I remember at the beginning of the initiation robe scene that one initiate comments that she cannot understand why they have to be nude underneath their robes. One of the members says, in a cheeky way, that she would find out later.

I figured that meant something would happen that they would be physically exposed against their will (one of the most degrading acts against women because it is shaming them while rendering them as powerless, which is really what the "guys" behind it are getting off on. Many men, on the other hand, give the impression they'd just go ahead and enjoy it for experience's sake. That's why I can't help but love some men!).

Allowing people on the set to gape, gasp and ogle, that's completely wrong all the way around. A good filmmaker has an obligation to protect his/her cast and crew.

It is also pretty noticeable when Morgan Fairchild is thrown into the fountain how her sweater clings to her wet chest like a wet tee shirt competitor.

Talia Balsam will always be my favorite Mrs. George Clooney. She was adorable.

I read where Mia Farrow's sister tragically lost her son (I believe her only child). She was reportedly working as a nurse in Vermont.

Morgan Fairchild's best friend in TIOS was reportedly working in real estate in California. She was such a beauty. All the women were hot, especially Kay Lenz (who even though she dressed and acted like a dorky nerd, still had such a photogenic face and fabulous figure as seen in BREEZY).

Thank you for the intriguing behind-the-scenes info. Makes it even better viewing, just knowing a little bit more about its production and how things went down.


It is also pretty noticeable when Morgan Fairchild is thrown into the fountain how her sweater clings to her wet chest like a wet tee shirt competitor.

I like how the opening shot is a woman running down the beach in a's like, "What does this have to do with the story?"


Great point. And the guy who comes on to Patti was hilariously "unlit." He could have been credited as "The Form on the Beach." You couldn't make out any of his features beyond his biceps, if that much!


Many men, on the other hand, give the impression they'd just go ahead and enjoy it for experience's sake. (That's why I can't help but love some men!)

I know : ) Though they might find it loses its charm after the first few times....which women often already have under their belt by the time they're out of high school from being spied on in the locker room, etc.,

From an early age females are raised to be on guard for this type of thing, and are usually like, " thanks."



you've watched "porky's" one too many times


Women performers were especially disturbed by some of the undressing required of them for ABC's Feb. 6 "The Initiation of Sarah," claiming they knew that the shots would never be permitted on television and charging that they were made only for the titillation of crew members, editors and some 25 gaping visitors to the set.

I remember Morgan Fairchild talking about this in a magazine interview.
