jriley555's Replies

with the advent of geneological dna matching, they can probably home in on the killer readily. i agree that maskell is the likely kingpin, because he was certainly capable of having it done, or doing it, also with a very strong motive. the way the nun's priest boyfriend handled it the night she went missing was very curious, you wonder if he was perhaps intimidated or simply a coward, knowing who he was up against. the series was extraordinary in digging up so much dirt on the characters around the school, the diocese, the rotten collusion between maskell & pd & assorted creeps he someone gathered to himself. how did these people find each other? the church let in a generation of vipers, the cost of which has been the complete loss of trust people in general, at least, hold toward priests. the celibacy thing is no longer viewed as some form of special sacrifice of chastity, now seen more as a ruse or an excuse for closeted gays or something much darker. happy hunting ladies! we're moving into shark jumping territory here, from where i sit. you are being silly. maybe the guy is being heavy-handed about it, but he has a point. the music was sappy as hell, too. the whole presentation had a gauzy hallmark feel to it. but i watched it all anyway :) from 1520-1570 the population of Mexico declined from 22M to 2 Million. The plymouth settlers came onto an area containing large villages completely de-populated by smallpox prior to their landing: [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_history_of_indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas#/media/File:Acuna-Soto_EID-v8n4p360_Fig1.png[/url] [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_smallpox#Epidemics_in_the_Americas[/url] yes, its the least disruptive way imaginable to act in the past, short of creating new unaffiliated bodies, which their technology does not allow. they are riffing off the quantum entangle theory (spooky action at a distance), which doesnt require actual mass transfer (i dont think). in that scenario, the best hosts are able-bodied individuals with no actual life span left - morally, pragmatically. its not a big deal, i dont think. the family were cleaning up the crime scene, hosing it down, etc, and left the pot in a different place. the whole point was simply to indicate to the cop that the scene had been tampered with. its not the usual netflix bilge. good intelligent writing, engaging characters, def. a cut above. it was ridiculous. when i was a strong skinny 19 year old, i could do twenty backward pull-ups, climb a rope with my arms alone - and i was just a normal strong kid, built about like that guy. no tiny woman could have held me underwater. even submission holds dont work if you are fighting to breathe. it was just yet another brainless scene concocted by a brainless director. dont get me wrong, i'm not a right-winger or something. but this current fad of setting up women as equals in combat to males just isnt reality. if they wanted him drugged enough to appear plausibly capable of being subdued , they should have set it up that way, have him act that way. its just sloppy story-telling, pandering to a make believe universe wherein women and men are interchangeable in every respect, except those where men excel, such as crime/aggression. my favorites open range the apostle lonesome dove tomorrow in country clubs of that era, all cooks, maitre d's, waiters, attendants were black, and male. white kids could caddy, there would be white pros, greenskeepers. that was the old way. kind of like a plantation back in my old kentucky home :) nothing gets by you, i can see that right off shhh - dont give it away ;) can you imagine how homely the rapist must be? the defense barrister and her assistant. the deficiency of youth is also a deficit of information - most just haven't been around long enough to gather the perspective on things to make solid assessments of complex situations. that is partly inevitable, partly the result of conditioning by their parents & educational institutions & of course media. i do think the original post raises some valid points - paige has good reason to question this commitment which she is not availing herself of, due to her conditioned loyalty primarily to a with-holding parent. she's not there just to be a part of the furniture, that's fo sho stan is going to be SO DISAPPOINTED, one way or another. good call. the thanksgiving w/e thing just doesn't add up in anyone's mind, let alone a canny LEO. also, stan has jumped back into counter-intel, so its all right in front of him on a daily basis. the other thing, the dying agent's description of the illegal family was always back there, waiting for a connection. when the sketches come, thats going to be a further, at least, non-elimination of his suspicion, maybe a show-stopper for the intrepid duo. when he got to the fuse box, i almost passed out. just kidding. as far as bloodbaths, i'm ready for liz to get a fire-axe to the head. she's killed a lot of good people, without nearly enough regret. in real life, which this show dramatizes, these would have been some profoundly odd people - liz at least represents some of the steel / psychopathy required to lead such an existence. lets also give a shout-out to henry. he's a survivor. paige, i dunno. liz did a number on her. it's on youtube the A B thing is subjective, of course. Samual Goldwyn films are usuallly a cut above. I thought it was a simple but compelling plot, Mitchum in his prime. a genuine bad ass. here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QLF0te4NRc it's not a B movie