Ok Paige is retarded

Yeah go on and give up your life, boyfriends, friends in general so you can "Make a difference" as a Russian spy where you have to kill and fuck strangers to get your missions done, very smart. God i really wouldn't be mad if Paige is killed, shes just beyond dumb this season.

Shes just threw herself into this without even thinking about it and shes so damn naive its infuriating, as if she doesn't know what they do entails. She believes no one ever hardly gets hurt give me a fucking break, shes seen her mother covered in blood ontop of a body and she believes the guy killed himself? Now she hears about two more people dying during a mission her mother was on "But mom i thought this stuff doesn't happen often?" "It doesn't" "Oh ok".

And the fact that her mother is so fine with taking her normal life away and making her what she is, which is a depressed stressed out psychopath is fucking ridiculous. I can't believe she wants this for her kid or is ok with it in any way, yeah let your daughter throw her life away to be a murderer and go and fuck random strangers to get information.

If Paige wants to make a difference she should go do charity and build houses for the homeless, and guess what you don't have to throw your life away and sacrifice your social life to do it.


I don't think she's retarded, I think she is a young idealist looking for an ideal to uphold. When she first became involved with the church, she was just as dogmatic. Her mother has made serving the Soviet cause feel much more critical and relevant than building houses for the homeless or some other societal improvement effort, so that's what she's hooked on now.

One of the reasons warriors tend to be so young is that the ability to engage in higher reasons and logic is the slowest part of our intellect to develop and the last to mature; it doesn't finish until we are about 25. It's one of the reasons that people in their teens and early 20s have such high rates of death by accidents in things like drug use, drinking, reckless driving, etc. It's also why they are more apt to join cults

At that age, we still tend to trust our parents more than we might care to admit. We will believe them until we have proof that we can't. All she knows is what her mother and handler tell her about the nature of the work. Up to this point at least, they've played up how the West has wronged and slandered the East and downplayed any dangers associated with being an agent.

All Paige knows is that her parents have been doing this for 20 years and are just fine. She never seen either parent coldly murder someone and thinks that the general shot himself out of shame, not that her mother killed him. Paige thinks that her job will be to work in the US government in order to gather intelligence and pass it along to her handlers. It's not until this week's episode (05/09/2018) [spoilers] that the idea that this job could be very dangerous and she could be killed is raised in a concrete, explicit manner. [/spoiler]. Even then, Paige, unsurprisingly given her age, is quick to say she's willing to commit to this cause for the rest of her life because physically she doesn't have the intellectual capacity to fully process the concept of "for the rest of your life".


the deficiency of youth is also a deficit of information - most just haven't been around long enough to gather the perspective on things to make solid assessments of complex situations.

that is partly inevitable, partly the result of conditioning by their parents & educational institutions & of course media.

i do think the original post raises some valid points - paige has good reason to question this commitment which she is not availing herself of, due to her conditioned loyalty primarily to a with-holding parent.
