MovieChat Forums > The Americans (2013) Discussion > Stan is suddenly quite the sleuth

Stan is suddenly quite the sleuth

Making tenuous connections that lead him to suspect his neighbors of being, after all these years. Somehow I think it would be more believable if he had made those connections years ago, prior to becoming close friends with them. But hey, I guess they gotta wrap up the story.

I predict Elizabeth will kill Stan, Philip will kill Elizabeth, and Paige will see it and kill Philip


Wow, that's quite a bloodbath you're predicting there. I think there will be some deaths by the conclusion, but I really don't see (don't hope, that's for sure) all three of them dying. However it does end, though, I don't sense a "happy" ending in store for anyone.

Stan already took a look around at P&E's house in a early season, didn't he? I seem to remember that... I don't have a problem with him now having greater suspicions about P&E since over the years their odd behavior would eventually have to strike a chord with him.


He did in the first season. But it seems tenuous that he would make this connection after all these years. But it doesn't take me out of it completely. Maybe I'm just hoping for a bang by predicting a bloodbath. The show has been so low key the last few years that I think this slow burn needs to reach a boiling point


Well you have to admit, the shoot-out with the FBI in Chicago and then Philip chopping off the female spy's hands and head were certainly NOT low-key! (Nothing like having a convenient fire-axe hanging on the wall when you need one.)


He had suspicions in the beginning but, if you think about, he had a lot of things going on that distracted him over the past few years(pumping his Russian mistress for information, his faltering marriage, catching Martha, and so on).

Additionally, aside from working long hours, nothing about them seemed odd, and even that was easily explained by being small business owners. So he's had that idea at the back of his mind for several years but it doesn't came back to the front again until Phillip and Elizabeth both have to go out of town for a client emergency Thanksgiving weekend for their travel business. About the only emergency would be that someone's flight gets canceled and you don't have to physically travel to see a client; that could be handled by phone.

I think that quirk, along with Henry being so disgruntled about his parents being away all the time, got Stan thinking again. I'm wondering how he's going to explain to his superiors that he lived next door to a nest of Soviet agents for almost a decade without catching on.


good call. the thanksgiving w/e thing just doesn't add up in anyone's mind, let alone a canny LEO.

also, stan has jumped back into counter-intel, so its all right in front of him on a daily basis.

the other thing, the dying agent's description of the illegal family was always back there, waiting for a connection. when the sketches come, thats going to be a further, at least, non-elimination of his suspicion, maybe a show-stopper for the intrepid duo.

when he got to the fuse box, i almost passed out. just kidding. as far as bloodbaths, i'm ready for liz to get a fire-axe to the head. she's killed a lot of good people, without nearly enough regret.

in real life, which this show dramatizes, these would have been some profoundly odd people - liz at least represents some of the steel / psychopathy required to lead such an existence.

lets also give a shout-out to henry. he's a survivor. paige, i dunno. liz did a number on her.


My prediction: Stan gets the drop on Phil and Liz, ready to arrest them. Then Renee steps up and blows Stan away, revealing she was there to protect the Jennings all along.


Good call. I keep forgetting that she is a fairly prominent TV actress playing a (so far) innocuous and insubstantial role.


she's not there just to be a part of the furniture, that's fo sho

stan is going to be SO DISAPPOINTED, one way or another.


I'm trying to remember something ... when P&E&friends yanked Martha out of her apartment, they also cleaned the place of any photos of "Clark"; and, I assume, anything else that might point to Philip. But did they wipe the place down for fingerprints? Or was that even mentioned?

The reason I ask is, Philip's fingerprints would have been all over that place, and the FBI surely would have gone over the apartment with the proverbial fine-toothed comb. Now, the FBI wouldn't have known at the time who those prints belonged to, and would have had nothing to match them to. But now that Stan suspects P&E, I'd think his next move oughta be to get Philip's and Elizabeth's prints and compare them to prints unaccounted for at places where Soviet hanky-panky has happened. (Not just Martha's place. Liz's prints would be at Gregory's apartment, I'd think. And there should be quite a few other such cases.)

Stan oughta be able to get their prints easily enough; they've been in his house enough times, there should be something they've handled that never got cleaned. And even if not, there's the Jennings house, now empty. Illegal search? That pesky Fourth Amendment has never stopped Stan before ...
