jevicci's Replies

I called her a policewoman because that's what she is. Where's the pedestal or mention of her vagina? Referring to her as a police officer is fine as well. I don't care. You're the one who's fixated on gender here and reading more into the word than is called for. I just assumed it was due to some kind of drug he was taking. They didn't know he was assaulted at that point. They didn't see the destroyed car until driving a little further up the road. All they saw was a guy running through a field with no pants on. He said "vault" not "malt", the implication being that she's dying to get laid. I was getting some major Kevin Bacon vibes as well. There was stuff cut after the initial US test screening that went over really badly. I think I remember them saying the original cut was more violent. This was my impression as well. The one thing I don't understand, though, is why he would have shot Turner. Also, why would Pherber put his body in a closet and skulk away like that? Chas rustles a form on the bed. When the figure rouses and turns around, we see it's Turner (Mick Jagger). Then it cuts to a different angle, from behind the figure, who is wearing the same robe and has similar hair. At that point, the figure gets on top of Chas and they start making out and you are definitely led to believe that it's still Turner. However, on close inspection, you can see it's actually Lucy. So, the two men never actually kiss. Oh man, this is depressing. I came on here to make a post about how insanely gorgeous she was in this movie. What a bummer to hear about what became of her. Really interesting that she ended up in Kabul considering her scene where she keeps bringing up Persia and the bandits. Maybe she was interested in that region and possibly influenced the script there a bit? What a great little character she was. This DVD was being given away by my local library. I grabbed it on a whim. I could not believe how good it was. Completely blew me away. Utterly fantastic. Incredible, unbelievable footage. "God, this is awful!" Seriously, I love Jim Carrey and thought he acted well in this, but the movie itself is a steaming turd. The only movie his that I've seen so far that I haven't liked. Really? You think an intelligent policewoman like Marge would need this experience with an old high school friend to suspect that someone might lie to her, especially someone acting as obviously suspicious as Jerry was in that initial interview? That makes no sense to me. Pancakes House Probably better off than having that moron influencing him. I wonder if Waters got this from Bergman's "The Silence". One of the best scenes. Classic Waters. * presses button * You've won a pair of needle nose pliers! Good question! The movie is said to be "inspired by real events" so I went into it thinking it was basically a true story. As I got further and further into it, though, it became harder and harder to swallow. Finally, at the very end of the credits I see the following disclaimer: "The events, characters and entities depicted in this protoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or entities is purely coincidental." Pretty damn far cry from "real events"! As someone who holds National Geographic in extremely high regard, I'm disappointed they'd put their name on something so apparently misleading. After the film, I eagerly sought out the special features on the DVD hoping there would be something that got into what actually happened, but there was nothing at all! I want to know what REALLY happened, not some puffed up, Hollywood bullshit. Also, their use of the word "protoplay" is very interesting. I can't find a definition for that word anywhere. Exactly! That made no sense to me.