jevicci's Replies

INSANELY beautiful! 💀 Absolutely. Best scene in the film. He killed it. YES! I wondered about that as well. Very strange! How is that a spoiler? LOL Really underrated, in my opinion. Just ordered the DVD and watched it again for the first time in a long time. It made a big impression on me back in the 80s and all these years later it hasn't lost its punch. Disturbingly realistic portrayal of chaotic, murderous psychopathy. How did she realize she was poisoned? What does that mean? Yes! Another good point! OMG!! Excuse us for not having seen the closed-captioning or having heard the commentary. Jiminey Cricket! Wow. I've been watching this movie for decades at this point. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. I never once questioned these lines of dialogue. To me it was always: "What's the boogeyman?" "As a matter of fact, that was." To me, this made perfect sense. Throughout the movie, Laurie was dismissing Tommy's concerns over a boogeyman, treating it like any adult would treat such a concept: as if it wasn't real. She clearly didn't believe in some kind of unstoppable being as she twice thought she had successfully neutralized Michael Myers. It made perfect sense to me that, at the moment she uttered those words, after twice having witnessed this man come back to attack her after having been laid low, she would be questioning her belief in the impossibility of a boogeyman after all and, in a completely broken-down, traumatized, almost childlike state ask, "What's the boogeyman?" Loomis, believing that Michael Myers is pure evil and, in a sense, inhuman, might very well respond that "...that was," even though he didn't mean it in a literal sense. Laurie then starts crying, which I interpreted as her (talking this all very seriously and literally at this point) realizing that all the bullets he had just fired into Michael Myers were ineffectual and that there was no stopping him. Obviously, Loomis didn't believe that himself at that point as he seemed confident that he had neutralized him as well. However, after reading this thread, I checked my DVD and, while there are no subtitles on it, I turned on the closed-captioning feature on my television and, lo and behold, there it was; and it is as you say..."It was the boogeyman." "As a matter of fact, it was." I must say, I don't like this. Maybe it's because I've had the aforementioned interpretation in my head for so long that I've grown very accustomed and attached to it. I don't know. It's been too long for me to be objective about it, but at this point, my initial interpretation makes way more sense to me. Watching it again with this new reading, it just doesn't make sense to me at all. I guess I need time to somehow make sense of this. That always bugged me. Loomis did everything he could to keep him locked away. Why is he blaming him? Yeah, it's a complicated subject with a lot of nuance to it. A lot of words are required. Doesn't mean I like bringing it up. Well, if I addressed individual posters on this matter, I'd never be able to leave the computer...haha. So instead I just wanted to bring it up as a general discussion. I felt that if I laid out the case that she WASN'T at fault, explaining things that people perhaps didn't understand or consider, we could put the issue of blame to the side and try to analyze why people disliked her so much. Perhaps this approach is doomed to failure, but at the same time, I also just wanted to express my thoughts/feelings/suspicions on the subject. It's obvious you're not really paying attention to what I'm saying and since I have no desire to go around in circles repeating things or correcting you on matters that I've explicitly laid about above, I think we're done here. And that goes back to my original post explaining that she could very well have had every reason to believe she did know where they were going when she was making that claim. You can't say for sure that she was lying about that (even though you emphatically did so). <blockquote> the leader of the team she receives the brunt of the criticism. She did do most of the decisionmaking which was not always the wisest.</blockquote> So what are you criticizing her for? What decisions did she make that were "not the wisest"? <blockquote>You need to read your own thread again, because nobody "blamed" her.</blockquote> I'm referring to Geosci's post near the top of the thread. They were saying that much of the dislike of Heather is due to her being responsible for what happened. That's not blaming her? <blockquote>And why is that interesting? I merely mentioned that fact to point out that my opinion has nothing to do with her sex. You're saying it should???</blockquote> Nope. Everyone's entitled to their opinions. I just find it interesting is all. <blockquote>People already explained this to you, Heather was in charge and responsible for most of the decisions. Sure, Mike threw away the map, but he wasn't as annoying as Heather.</blockquote> This goes back to the issue of people blaming her. How can you say people are justified in disliking her because she was in charge and for the decisions she made, but no one's blaming her? "Sure, Mike did, by far, the most dangerous, irresponsible, and reckless thing in the movie, but Heather was still more annoying." OK, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. It just doesn't make any sense to me. <blockquote>Yeah, and that was just you grasping at straws. Just like you deciding for other people why they dislike a character you like. You can't say for certainty it's because of sexism, so why even bring it up? You're forcing people to defend themselves against a totally random accusation just because they have a different opinion than you.</blockquote> How did I decide anything for anyone? I'm just speculating. I don't think it's random at all. It seems very relevant and even likely to me. Why bring it up? Because this is a discussion board and that's what it's for. People are free to disagree and bring up counterpoints. Do you always browbeat people for bringing up things that you disagree with? <blockquote>If you're wondering why Mike and Josh dislike and blame her, it's pretty obvious.</blockquote> I'm not wondering why Mike and Josh dislike and blame her. This post is about viewers of the film disliking her. <blockquote>I don't think there's one viewer who "blames" Heather for what happened.</blockquote> I guess you didn't read this thread because someone here claims she's responsible for what happened, but as I said in response to that, I don't believe this is the main problem people have with her. It's more what you yourself have expressed when you say "she does have an annoying, haughty and confrontational way of speaking". That's really interesting that you say that as a woman yourself. Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't get that vibe from her at all. So she whined a tiny bit about her shoes getting wet. Big deal. Mike had a hissy fit and threw the map away, an infinitely more egregious act, yet he doesn't get even a tiny fraction of the hatred and vitriol that Heather gets. <blockquote>And by the way, she DID lie about knowing where they were going.</blockquote> While that is possible, there's no way to say that with any certainty. I go into this in detail above if you're interested. Her spazmatic behavior was not only limited to fits of anger or despair. At the end, when her brother was winning the decathlon, she was cheering/screaming so intensely that she fell off the bench....hahaha!!! I bought it. This movie is bad in an intentional way that adds to the humor.