Whooooh! Aunt Ida!

Look at you, Aunt Ida!

Am I the only person who couldn't stop laughing during that scene?

Message brought to you by Captain Sensible. Bringing Sensibility to the IMDB since 2004.


Don't you look HOT!

Thank ya, honey.

I can resist anything but temptation.


My boyfriend and I are always quoting this part in that nasally Baltimore accent. And dont forget the part before, when Ida is, um ... moisturizing shall we say? ... in front of the mirror. The way shes moaning to herself is hilarious, even she cant comprehend her own beauty.


Haha.."Oooh Oooh I feel so much more comfortable".

Edith Massey is hilarious. I just watched the movie again recently with John Waters commentary and apparently she detested that outfit (you can't blame her really) not only because of the look but also because it took her such a long time to get into it.

F#%k me gently with a chainsaw


Thats true, she hated her dominatrix "peekaboo" getup, but apparently had another larger one made when she was touring with her band several years later. And ... its sad that I know this, but leave it to Wikipedia ... whenever she was fitted with dentures, she asked that they be "snaggle toothed", lest she tarnish her iconic image. I wish I couldve met her, she seemed so sweet, and warm. I think she was a lovely person.


I wish I could've met her, she seemed so sweet and warm. I think she was a lovely person.

Me, too!! I've heard she was a super great person; she was nothing at all like the demented characters she played in Waters' films. She was something of a legend around Baltimore. Or so I've heard. I think I remember reading that she did a lot of work with the homeless and disenfranchised.

R.I.P. Edie!

I can resist anything but temptation.


Aunt Ida was fabulous. "And I've got something for your face, Mother F@@ker".


these films have had such a profound effect on the way i speak. like i say 'why thankya honey' and i answer the phone in pig latin. i say a-hole the same way the narrator did in pink flamingos. i just generally speak in john waters language now.


Most definitely not... the first time I saw it, my friend and I kept rewinding the tape and laughed until we cried.

Aunt Ida fondling her boobs if priceless.


Lol, I love Aunt Ida.

Oh honey I'd be so happy if you turned nelly.

. i say a-hole the same way the narrator did in pink flamingos

I know that was posted 2 years ago, but in case anyone is interested that was John Waters himself doing the narration for Pink Flamingoes.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go fill my freezer with my own blood"


One of the best scenes. Classic Waters.
