MovieChat Forums > The Neverending Story (1984) Discussion > They don't make dark, dangerous kids mov...

They don't make dark, dangerous kids movies these days

File it under the wussification of America, but in the 80's kids movies were frequently dark, dangerous, and sometimes scary.

Never Ending Story, Gremlins, Return to Oz, Monster Squad

Nowadays ever single kid's movie is just warm, fuzzy, and happy.

I sound like a grumpy old man I'm sure, but I'm in my 30's and I definitely think we are doing kids a major disservice in how much we over "protect" them these days.


Toy Story 3 had some pretty dark elements to it, but yeah I agree over all for sure.


I know what you mean. With all the anti-bullying stuff, no one ever thinks of the simple solution - a punch in the nose!!!


I agree it's all butterflies and sparkly vampires now a days. It seems like the movies are now being made by all the kids who didn't get a participation trophy when they were little. It stung them so bad they think this is what we want to see today. Sorry but I'll take the old dark stuff over today's crap.


Yeah, I hear ya. Agree with you 1,000%.

It's pussification, though. Not wussification.๐Ÿ˜‰

Just imagine it being made today. It would totally suck. Especially the part with the Sphinx with their big full on naked tits. That would *never* see the light of day in today's world.

"I learned that in prison, you like? You white trash piece-a sh!t."


You can call it pussification, you can call it wussification, I call it selling out to the know-nothings.


I was thinking about that now when I rewatched the movie. If they remake the movie they'll probably make it far more child friendly which would kind of really suck. I mean those statues with boobs would probably not even have boobs, least of all nipples XD I saw this movie as a kid and I'm not damaged from it lol.


by Zaqwert ยป Sun Feb 16 2014 21:21:28
IMDb member since July 2006
File it under the wussification of America, but in the 80's kids movies were frequently dark, dangerous, and sometimes scary.

Never Ending Story, Gremlins, Return to Oz, Monster Squad

Nowadays ever single kid's movie is just warm, fuzzy, and happy.

I sound like a grumpy old man I'm sure, but I'm in my 30's and I definitely think we are doing kids a major disservice in how much we over "protect" them these days.

My big example has always been Disney's version of "Davy Crockett". Davy is shown fighting Indians, British and wild animals. We even see a POV shot of us looking down a rifle barrel shooting a native American "brave" (warrior). That shot and scene would never get made today.

"Watership Down", I've always felts, was a touch strong for children at certain points, but otherwise was okay. I saw it and I turned out okay, but then again I was a little more adult than other kids.

But "Treasure Island" or even "Will Rogers" or some of the westerns that were geared for kids, had lots of gunplay, and occasionally adult males got shot and killed. "The Lone Ranger" had all kinds of killing, and it was meant for kids, and the children who came out of that era were a lot more responsible than their grand children who nearly tore the place apart in the late 60s and 70s.

Thank goodness "Star Wars" came around to bring back G-Rated gunplay, where violence could be shown in a heroic vein without fear of damaging kids. And the Star Wars fans are by far some of the most polite and forward thinking than your average sport fan.

Make of that what you will.


Someone made a good point. During the fifties and sixties there were a lot of toy guns floating around - and ZERO school shootings.


In more recent years we have seen the likes of Bridge to Terabithia and A Monster Calls, kids' movies with more adult themes, portrayed in a mature and sensitive manner. There are some pretty dark animated films out there ostensibly aimed at family audiences, too.


I just got home from seeing it in theaters after not watching it for many years. It felt like a fairy tale on the big screen. I wouldn't call it dangerous or scary but it had it s dark moments and seeing the horse die was always hard. I'll agree kids need movies like Neverending Story today.
