MovieChat Forums > Politics > Facebook bans QAnon conspiracy theorists...

Facebook bans QAnon conspiracy theorists off their platform entirely!

Huzzah! Now the crackpots will have to venture back to their caves.

"...The change is a significant escalation over its previous actions targeting QAnon and one of the broadest rules the social media giant has put in place in its history."


No, more of them will come here on this forum. Have you seen the new Trumptard supporters ?


No. Where do I find these wretched creatures?


A new one - EB2440 - joined the Politics forum today, already posting conspiracy crap about Biden. He proudly admits he's QAnon.


I know where to find the their website if I want to go there, same wit Alex Jones and Infowars. Paul Joesph Watson is still on youtube which is pretty awesome.


Let me guess, Anti-MLKer. They still allow the racists group BLM on their platform, yes? Word!


We all know Twitter regularly has to censor the prezidope from spreading misinformation. How pathetic.


Welp, there's goes MAGA's 2024 campaign strategy. I guess they'll all have to go over to youtube.


QAnon member EB2440 has come to this forum to post conspiracy crap about Biden. Be warned !


I hope this is a signal the American people are sick to death of divisive politics, that we want a calm leader to help guide us into the rest of the 21st century. Things are changing rapidly and we don't need regressive policies that continue to cripple the already disadvantaged.


How can the American people be sick to death of divisive politics when your candidate can't denounce BLM, can't acknowledge Anti-Fa, and promotes critical race theory? How stupid are you that you fail to realize that all of these things are divisive?

You don't need regressive policies? MLK. Do you remember him? What did he say, pray tell? Not color of skin, but content of character. Does BLM represent content of character? No. It promotes color of skin. Isn't that regressive?

Anti-Fa promotes and causes anarchy, chaos and violence and promotes socialism with their fascist tactics. Isn't that regressive to a free world society???

Critical Race Theory is itself, racism. Isn't racism bad? Isn't that regressive?

Open you're close-minded eyes, pal. You're an idiot and you don't even know it.


Back to 4chan with them.
