NorrinRad's Replies

<b>Orange Turd</b> submitted by Stormy Daniels. ๐Ÿ‘ But wait... There is more! <blockquote>[โ€“] Bubbathegut (17234) 2 years ago My bad. I thought everyone liked Pecker.</blockquote>Looks like "Pecker" didn't float neither your nor DJT's boat?!! <blockquote>[โ€“] BKB (6336) 5 months ago At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL</blockquote>DJT and Hunter Biden are not running neck and neck as DJT leads the <b>Goto Jail</b> race by a LOT!! <blockquote>[โ€“] Galilguy (2332) 10 months ago I think the TC is going to wind up in a padded room. Writing on the walls: "orangemanbad" a million times.</blockquote><b>Fun Fact:</b> In the DJT Hush Money Trial in the state of NY it is on record that <b>"OrangeTurd</b>Man"-Is-Bad. Wow! Never saw that coming did we?! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘ <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (463) 16 hours ago Happened before and during his presidency?</blockquote>DJT lacks self-control when it comes to both <b>Crime</b>-ing and <b>Lying</b>. After awhile that catches up to you as so noted into evidence by the prosecution. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘<blockquote>Yet they waited until after he was running to indict...</blockquote>You seem to have a problem with procedure and Grand Jury developments. DJT used the system of "Due Process" and the Court of <b>Public Opinion</b> against itself.<blockquote> imagine that.</blockquote>Yes, "Imagine" the Arc of Justice bending awkwardly towards fairness just to accommodate DJT. Accountability must be awarded to DJT as he is going to fight oversight and being held to the same standard that all are held to. Stormy Daniels is a US Citizen just as DJT is a US Citizen, both being heard in front of a jury. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—ฝ <b>This Is America!</b> ๐Ÿ—ฝ <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (462) 3 days ago After he decided to run. Imagine that.</blockquote>Your Chronometer is a bit off. DJT's Crime spree happened before, during, and after his failed presidency. <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (456) 18 hours ago Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?</blockquote>DJT plays <b>Stupid</b> games and gets awarded <b>Stupid</b> prizes. Make that $10,000 and soon to be followed by <b>Incarceration</b> if he continues to play a <b>Stupid</b> game with the courts. <blockquote>posted 11 hours ago by Patman111196 (1248) 10 replies | jump to latest With all the trials being delayed, they will set him up as a cold blooded killer next.</blockquote>Too Late!! <b>Covid-45</b>, aka DJT already has a few Bleach-Induced deaths on his hands. The <b>J6-Insurrectionist</b> and his <b>Insurrrection-istas</b> has a trial on their dance cards that they will be singing their <b>Seditionist</b> anthem pretty soon. <i>"Murder she wrote (for real, for real) Murder she wrote Murder she wrote Murder she wrote Watch 'ya now, it name A pretty face and bad character Dem deh kinda livin' cyan' hold Ashli, follow me A pretty face and bad character Dem deh kinda livin' cyan' hold Ashli Seh gyal yuh pretty Yuh face it pretty but yuh character dirty Gyal you just ah act too flirty flirty You run to Don, Rudy, and also Corey An' when you find yuh mistake You talk 'bout yuh sorry, sorry, sorry, come now"</i> <blockquote>[โ€“] SandyR (7414) an hour ago Nonsense. I voted for Mickey Mouse.</blockquote>If you are a US Citizen, then the Duly elected President is your President. Even if you are <b>Goofy</b>. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘ <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (456) 18 hours ago Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?</blockquote>DJT plays <b>Stupid</b> games and gets awarded <b>Stupid</b> prizes. Make that $10,000 and soon to be followed by <b>Incarceration</b> if he continues to play a <b>Stupid</b> game with the courts. <blockquote>[โ€“] Gd5150 (11063) 13 hours ago And yet another Democrat rectum nothing burger. The internet is a beautiful thing how it catalogs Democrat ignorance.</blockquote>In revisiting this thread, you just highlighted the years long journey towards accountability for said individual DJT. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฃ Does that mean that DJT is Thanos and is about to get "snapped"? Hope Hicks is Gamora? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (428) an hour ago Agian, you ducked my question by asking your question, pathetic.</blockquote>I answered your invalid question. Invalid of course was my editorial commentary. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘ <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (421) 18 hours ago Trump leads in all 7 swings states.</blockquote>Polls are not votes and an election is still required to determine a winner.<blockquote>If the courts cases/actions are not politically motivated attacks against a rival then what is?</blockquote>The Court Cases and Actions are as follows based on the Petitioner and the Respondent: <b>SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -against- DONALD J. TRUMP, Defendant.</b> THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of <b>Penal Law ยง175.10</b>, committed as follows: As you can see it doesn't say DA Bragg, nor Judge Merchan, nor President Biden in this speaking indictment.<blockquote>against a rival then what is?</blockquote>DJT's <b>Rival</b> is the Law and the People of NY. One more thing: The only vote(s) that matter to DJT are the votes of the jurors. Nothing in the 7 Swing states is bound to their votes. DJT's freedom is bound to those jurors and he is already in <b>Criminal Contempt</b> by attempting to attack them and the court. <i>P.S. Did you notice that in that indictment DJT is a Criminal Defendant and NOT a president?</i> ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿคฃ <blockquote>[โ€“] JoWilli (15288) 2 hours ago Joe is in charge or he isnt, please make up your mind.</blockquote>You are under the mistaken impression that President Joe Biden is on trial. ๐Ÿคฃ <blockquote>[โ€“] ctwdidswej (212) 5 years ago Never mind that the entire media has spent the last 3 years telling you the lie that our president is a Russian agent.</blockquote>Maybe Russia and Vlad Putin will sue the media for <b>Slander</b> or <b>Liable</b>? Better still, maybe they'll just invade Ukraine??๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ˜‰ <blockquote>[โ€“] Miyagido (2944) 10 months ago Why do you post misinformation, lies and disinformation? I find that odd. reply share ignore report [โ€“] yatzo376 (7463) 10 months ago just watch the trial knuckelhead</blockquote>You called Miyagido a knucklehead and to watch the trial BUT now we realize that, "<i>Elvis has left the building</i>". I resurrected this thread because of conviction. So many of these DJT acolytes try to deflect, deflate, distract the facts towards their own calculated and coordinated chaos. <blockquote>[โ€“] Bubbathegut (17228) 7 minutes ago The charge is that the democrats are trying to steal another election.</blockquote>Gee, Mr. TheGut you use the word <b>Another</b> like you don't know what it means. Democrats have not stolen an Election from DJT, nor the Republican Party, nor the Citizens of the USA. Do you care to amend or correct your posit? You sure won't and can't <b>Defend</b> your statement. ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—ฝ <blockquote>[โ€“] Branson26 (421) 18 hours ago Trump leads in all 7 swings states.</blockquote>Polls are not votes and an election is still required to determine a winner.<blockquote>If the courts cases/actions are not politically motivated attacks against a rival then what is?</blockquote>The Court Cases and Actions are as follows based on the Petitioner and the Respondent: <b>SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -against- DONALD J. TRUMP, Defendant.</b> THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of <b>Penal Law ยง175.10</b>, committed as follows: As you can see it doesn't say DA Bragg, nor Judge Merchan, nor President Biden in this speaking indictment.<blockquote>against a rival then what is?</blockquote>DJT's <b>Rival</b> is the Law and the People of NY. One more thing: The only vote(s) that matter to DJT are the votes of the jurors. Nothing in the 7 Swing states is bound to their votes. DJT's freedom is bound to those jurors and he is already in <b>Criminal Contempt</b> by attempting to attack them and the court. <i>P.S. Did you notice that in that indictment DJT is a Criminal Defendant and NOT a president?</i> ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿคฃ <blockquote>[โ€“] Yatzo (1336) 3 hours ago For what?</blockquote>Wrong person but let's roll any way! I will just assume that you do believe that <b>Biden is unfit</b> to stand trial ๐Ÿ˜ because he has not been charged with any crimes, and he has not committed any crimes. <b>That would make him unfit to stand trial.</b>