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Las Vegas Oddsmakers weigh in on Donald Trump's Possibility of Indictment/Arrest/Prison

Given the current political climate DJT, HRC, and JRB have been bandied about for indictment and or impeachment or even BOTH! But so far, I could only find the following:

Clinton Indictment: 10,000 No/ 2,000 Yes
Guilani Indictment: 130 No/ 110 Yes
Trump Indictment: 120 No/120 Yes Give Donald Trump 77.8% Chance to Avoid a Indictment.

The January 6th hearings have been a coup for Republicans, at least that’s what oddsmakers believe. Every single Republican who’s been mentioned by the committee has seen their odds improve across the board ahead of 2022 and even in 2024. However, it doesn’t just stop with election odds.


It looks like Jim Jordan thinks the odds are 100:1 for a DJT Indictment!


Did DJT lie or just prevaricate about when an indictment and arrest was supposed to happen?

DJT would never tell a fib!!


Now the betting line has to move for the odds for a conviction!



Will Donald Trump be found guilty of one or more felonies in New York?

Yes +115
No -150
Will Donald Trump avoid the New York trial with a plea bargain?

Plea Bargain +475
NO Plea Bargain -850
Prison Match Bet: To Serve Time First

Donald Trump -2500
Hillary Clinton +800


Odds of conviction and jail for the new document case?


The site hasn't updated the criteria since the Mar-A-Lago search.

Trump indictment odds have let people bet on the chances that Trump will be indicted since the first day of his presidency back in 2017, and they’ve been on the boards ever since. However, the odds were always pretty low, with a Trump indictment paying out at about +250, give or take.

However, after the FBI Trump raid, the odds have narrowed considerably, and it’s basically a 50-50 shot that the former President will be indicted. At least, according to the bettors. With Trump’s legal troubles mounting following his 2023 indictment, prosecutors are becoming more confident and appear poised to levy more charges against him related to the classified documents held at Mar-a-Lago.


Wasn’t that raid about 8 months ago


Yep!!! And I don't personally bet nor endorse the site. For me it was the social curiosity of the times we live in, and the ends people will go through for entertainment purposes.

I would surmise that Trump supporters would vote/bet against their own best interest to "own" the Libs rather than make money.

Some might bet against the Trump train and make that money!!!

Don't bank on that though!!🤣


With this 11th Hour letter request to meet with the DOJ it looks like DJT thinks real jail time is possible?!

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers Tuesday wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland to seek a meeting with him to discuss the two ongoing special counsel-led investigations into Trump, a request which comes amid reports that special counsel Jack Smith is wrapping up one of those investigations.



Who would have THUNK that DJT would get arrested before his 77th birthday?

What a birthday gift surprise!!, INDICTMENT


Unless your name is Donald John Trump you need not worry, or get lawyers, or file appeals, or lash out on Truth Social, or whine to Congress, or demand that President Biden should be impeached, or sell Mugshots to raise money for a defense fund...etc....etc...etc 🤣


Odds haven't changed, which is remarkable.


At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL


I dunno . Trying to overthrow democracy , take over the country and install yourself as a dictator is worse than an unpaid tax bill imo.


I find it fascinating how Liberals such as yourself refer to Trump as a Dictator, yet, you have Biden insisting on everyone driving an EV by 2035?? Doesn't that make Biden a Dictator for telling people that they WILL own an EV or basically walk to your destination or bum rides?? Shouldn't the American people have a choice in either driving a gasoline powered vehicle which 95% of the world does or drive a Hybrid or an EV and not this Bullshit of you're stuck with this and if you don't like it, tough shit?? Well??


You wont have a choice when the oil runs out.

also there are certain societally responsible things that people need to be made to do for the benefit of all - like stop filling the seas with plastic . Or using CFCs in hairspray (theres one thats already fixed)
You cant just leave it to capitalism or freedom to sort out , because it wont.

Freedom , to me , means being able to do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesent adversely affect other people - thats the caveat


Do you have any concept as to how much oil is in this planet?? Do you?? And once again, like any good liberal or not, you deflect when I ask you how come it's Ok for Biden to Dictate what people drive and you say 0 about this, but if Trump were to say this, you'd lose your liberal mind over it??


Yes , I've read books with real evidence and surveys by oil company geologists.

" Dictate what people drive and you say 0 about this"
I did say about that , that applied to my "societally responsible" part of my response.

Theres a limited amount of oil in the earth that we all need to share ,ration , and save for things we really need it for , rather than pissing it away driving V8 Hummers around (not to mention the pollution)

also , it was Trump who tried to tell you what to do in 2020.
"Wear a mask, take a vac"
It was repubs who lost their minds over it.


Well we did lose our minds when Trump unsuccessfully tried to steal the 2020 election


[–] BKB (2318) 2 hours ago
I find it fascinating how Liberals such as yourself refer to Trump as a Dictator, yet, you have Biden insisting on everyone driving an EV by 2035??
Except President Biden never said such a thing now did he? Here let me help you out:
The U.S. government plans to end purchases of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 in a move to lower emissions and promote electric cars under an executive order signed by President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

The government owns more than 650,000 vehicles and purchases about 50,000 annually. Biden's executive order said that light-duty vehicles acquired by the government will be emission-free by 2027.

Total federal government operations will reduce emissions by 65% by 2030 under the plan. The government will seek to consume electricity only from carbon-free and non-polluting sources on a net annual basis by 2030 and have net-zero emissions by 2050.
Are you or your family personally Gas-Powered vehicles? Didn't think so.
Are you or your family getting your vehicles from the Federal government? No.
Doesn't that make Biden a Dictator for telling people that they WILL own an EV or basically walk to your destination or bum rides??
You need to learn how a Dictator speaks. You need to listen to DJT. DJT speaks Dictator-ease quite fluently. 👍🤣
Shouldn't the American people have a choice in either driving a gasoline powered vehicle which 95% of the world does or drive a Hybrid or an EV and not this Bullshit of you're stuck with this and if you don't like it, tough shit?? Well??
Except that was never going to be the case, because your Petrol-Based-Car-Apocalypse dystopian fever dream is yours and yours alone. 🗽


[–] BKB (2318) 3 hours ago
At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL
What's the matter ButterKup Boy? Did DJT not tousle your hair for being a good little Lapdog?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen.
Hunter Biden is NOT a politician in any notoriety.
Hunter Biden is NOT the equivalent to DJT, HRC, or JRB.

How does one make that leap that the Las Vegas Oddsmakers care about Hunter Biden going to prison or getting fined because of coasting off of his last name of Biden versus DJT?


[–] BKB (5936) 4 months ago
At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL
Four months have passed and it STILL looks like DJT's odds are better than Hunter's in going to Jail, straight to jail, not passing GO, and not collecting a pardon. What's the matter ButterKup Boy? Did DJT not tousle your hair for being a good little Lapdog?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen.
Hunter Biden is NOT a politician in any notoriety.
Hunter Biden is NOT the equivalent to DJT, HRC, or JRB.

How does one make that leap that the Las Vegas Oddsmakers care about Hunter Biden going to prison or getting fined because of coasting off of his last name of Biden versus DJT?


[–] BKB (6336) 5 months ago
At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL
DJT and Hunter Biden are not running neck and neck as DJT leads the Goto Jail race by a LOT!!


[–] BKB (6507) 5 months ago
At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL
By next week we will find out between Hunter Biden and DJT, who has a better chance of going to jail. 🗽
