NorrinRad's Replies

<blockquote>[–] Corbell (8952) 7 hours ago The point I made was that the response from teh left in this thread has been to act as though Trump's claim is out of the question.</blockquote>In your initial question there was no such point. This is what you asked: <i>[–] Corbell (8952) a day ago: Why is this out of the question?</i><blockquote>In looking at that, then "what others think" of course "matters". You people have been panic mongering about what a danger Trump is for years. You are doing it now.</blockquote>Not a single response to your initial question has ANY poster expressing <b>"Panic"</b>! You decided to conflate other comments in other postings and are now "Panic <b>Harvesting</b>". The danger that was and is DJT was dealt with at the ballot box in the 2020 election.<blockquote>If you are serious about your words, then the possibility that one of you would take action to stop him, is completely plausible.</blockquote>Only in your fervid attempt at data mining the word "Panic" is there a causal connection to an assassination attempt from a sitting president. πŸ‘Based on any extended "Panic" data mining by you one would think that you would have come up with something like, "all liberals leaving the country" or "crying copious and enormous amounts of liberal tears". 😭😭 Nice try at attempting to project your conspiracy theories onto your perceived "enemies".<blockquote>YOU bring up the "steps that were taken last time"</blockquote>Those steps were all part of the normal fabric of a civilized society honoring the myth of a Rule of Law(s) and fair elections. Something DJT and you by suggestion are anathema to.<blockquote>You leave out of few. Like the FBI lying to federal judges to gin up an impeachment on grounds they knew were false,</blockquote>Nice try Corbell. I'll type this in the proper case that might strike with you: <b> 1. NO, THE FBI DID NOT LIE TO FEDERAL JUDGES. 2. BOTH IMPEACHMENTS OF DJT WERE VALID and BOTH IMPEACHMENTS WERE BASED ON HIGH CRIMES BY DJT.</b><blockquote>or working with the cia AGAINST THE WISHES AND INTERESTS OF THEIR BOSS, to lie to the American people DURING AN ELECTION.</BLOCKQUOTE>Neither the CIA nor Congress lied about the actions of DJT the Insurrectionist ex-president. One day the details of <b>DJT's 187 MINUTE DERELICTION OF DUTY AS AN OUTGOING COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF WILL BE KNOWN FULLY.</b><blockquote>Those are some serious crimes and in the second case, at least MUTINY.</blockquote>Do you know the difference between "MUTINY" and "Treason"? Did you mean "Treason" because none of the USofA employees involved are/were soldiers?<blockquote>So, let's keep this real, ok?</blockquote>This is exceedingly difficult for you isn't it? Conspiracy and Delusion are not concepts Corbell weathers well. πŸ—½πŸ‘ <b>Signed, "Reality"</b> πŸ—½πŸ‘ <blockquote>[–] SandyR (7515) 22 minutes ago Your intent seems racist.</blockquote>How so and whom am I being racist for and to who am I being racist against? I would still like to know what happened to all of the high profile POC supporters of DJT, MAGA, and Trumpism? I did see a video of/for BLMAGA. <url></url> Is this group being <b>Racist</b>? <url></url> How about Candace Owens and <b>BLEXIT</b>? Is she a racist? <blockquote>[–] HarveyManFredSin (4877) a year ago Terrible human-beings, but no less Black than Obama or Kamala Harris, just because they're assholes.</blockquote>Another <b>MovieChat-Agent-Provocateur</b> disappears. I wonder if the poster is okay. I don't think he/she was from the USofA though. Not that it mattered. πŸ—½πŸ€” <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8926) 2 hours ago Well, Biden is head of the executive branch and thus would not be stopped by Seperation of Powers from control of the fbi.</blockquote>BZZZZZZZ!! Wrong. The FBI does not report to the President and the President does not direct the actions of the FBI. <b>Who monitors or oversees the FBI?</b> <i>The FBI’s activities are closely and regularly scrutinized by a variety of entities. Congressβ€”through several oversight committees in the Senate and Houseβ€”reviews the FBI’s budget appropriations, programs, and selected investigations. The results of FBI investigations are often reviewed by the judicial system during court proceedings. Within the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is responsible to the attorney general, and it reports its findings to U.S. Attorneys across the country. The FBI’s intelligence activities are overseen by the Director of National Intelligence.</i><blockquote> It is also worth noting that Biden was OUT OF OFFICE, when the FBI ran a coverup op against their BOSS at the time, Trump, to support the candidacy of BIDEN, so, BIDEN seems to be operating well outside the bounds of the law anyways.</blockquote>So while NOT in office private citizen Joe Biden and NOT private citizen Barack Obama ran a covert and coverup operation? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚<blockquote>So, why is it an invalid question?</blockquote>You just answered the question for yourself. Why doesn't ex-president and now private citizen DJT run the same covert operation against his enemies? Is that why DJT absconded with all those <b>Top-Secret</b> documents down to Mar-A-Lago and then up to his bedroom home in Bedminster??πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ—½πŸ‘ <b>Don VonShitzInPants</b> Made more popular by Michael Cohen πŸ‘ Jack Smith will have to take the Nuclear option on Cannon. Have her removed or she should recuse. <blockquote>[–] JoWilli (15765) a month ago do you have the evidence about the Trump-Russia hoax?</blockquote>Mueller Report: <url></url> <blockquote>Mueller concluded there was no evidence and the Durham report concluded all the "evidence" presented by Nancy and the dems was fake.</blockquote> 1. Nope! 2. Nope! Both Barr and Durham buried Trump criminality with their summaries and a final failed investigation by Durham that netted no one. Didn't Mueller's investigation catch a bunch of <b>nerdowells</b> of both the American and Russian variety, (34 with 7 being convicted so far)? <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8926) 11 minutes ago So, you ridicule... no, you just dodge teh question as to your side thinking of Trump as the equivelent to HItler, then you make the case for him being equivalent to Hitler,</blockquote>I neither ridiculed nor belittled your question. You've injected the word "Equivalent" into your conversation. I (and of course Biden) made "OBSERVATIONS" as to DJT's words, actions, statements, postings, utterances, and rulings.<blockquote>but you never address my point.</blockquote>What was your point? You asked a question, a loaded question, but you never made a point in your question. πŸ€” <blockquote>If he is that bad, or more to the point, if you and the people like you in government think he is THAT bad,</blockquote>Come around to the correct "points" Corbell. It matters NOT what others think DJT is and it matters what he says, and how he acts, and how he lacks accountability for himself that his detractors are calling into question. DJT ain't Hitler but he sure talks like a Wanna-Be-Hitler.<blockquote> then why are you pretending that the idea that one or some of you might take steps to stop him is out of the question?</blockquote>You don't see that your own personal suggestions actively are communicating your "Fear", "Paranoia", and your own insecurities? The steps to stop <b>Hair (Herr) Gropen-Fuhrer</b> are exactly the steps that were taken last time and continue to be taken: 1. Fire him for his lack of accountability with <b>Votes</b> and, 2. Hold DJT accountable in the courts. πŸ—½πŸ‘ <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8918) 41 minutes ago I'm not sure what your post is saying.</blockquote>I'm suggesting that you do know what my post is saying, and you are CHOOSING to not understand and ignore my response to you.<blockquote>My question was in regard to the OP that is reacting as though Trump's claim is out of the question.</blockquote>DJT's claim is out of the question. DJT is an ex-president, and he knows how the three branches of government work and he once TRIED to coerce all of the branches of government to bend to his chaos. He had some success (Sessions (kind of), Barr (Kind of), and Whitaker). Overall DJT <b>failed</b> and wont get another chance.<blockquote>So, I asked why he thinks that.</blockquote>Yes, you didn't ask me, but I answered anyway. It was/is an invalid question and warranted a reasonable response. πŸ—½πŸ‘ <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8914) 43 minutes ago I mean, most of you DO think that Trump is basically equivelent to HITLER right?</blockquote>DJT detractors think that his words, actions, and criminality put him in the spotlight for oversight and accountability.<blockquote>Biden clearly does, if one takes him at his word with his panic mongering over the 1/6 riot.</blockquote>Biden speaks to DJT's words and calls him out for using the phrases of Hitler, Mein Kampf, Nazi's, Dictators, and Autocratic-Wanna-Be-demagogues.<blockquote>So, Who WOULDN'T kil "Hitler" if they had the chance?</blockquote>For starters, YOU wouldn't. Would you? <b>Fun Factoid for you:</b> πŸ”΄ Trump asked why US generals weren't as loyal to him as the senior officers who served Hitler during WWII, per an excerpt from a coming new book. πŸ”΄Kelly informed Trump that Hitler's generals attempted to assassinate him. πŸ”΄But Trump insisted that the generals in Nazi Germany were "totally loyal" to Hitler.<blockquote>Yatzo, if you were in charge of the raid, and you knew that you had a chance to save America from someone YOU think of as the next "Hitler", wouldn't you take the shot?</blockquote>DJT likes to quote "Hitler", a <b>Lot</b>. 1st Corbell it wasn't a "raid" it was a "<b>Search</b>" based on a judge issued and signed <b>Warrant</b>.<blockquote>And if not, WHY NOT? You could be saving THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.</blockquote>Poor dear Corbell, attempting to create a narrative based on the idiocrasy of MTG. Overtly trying to move the conversation to something in the fervid mind of "<b>Fear-Mongers</b>".<blockquote>Isn't one of your side's supposed fears that Trump is too unstable to be in charge because he might start a nuclear war?</blockquote>Wait, wait, wait!! Wasn't it members of DJT's own cabinet that wanted to do this: <url></url> ? Seems to me DJT was <b>Fired</b> from his one term failed presidency by the citizens of the USofA? <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8911) 27 minutes ago Why is this out of the question?</blockquote>Hmmmmm, DJT's attorney's argued on behalf of the hypothetical position that you want to posit as more than just an extra-judicial possibility. Are you discussing the next James Patterson tome or something from Stephen King? πŸ€£πŸ—½ How does your question fit in with <b>MAGA</b>? Maybe the J6 trial will be next? You still dropping conspiracy defenses? 🀣 <blockquote>[–] tvfan (8822) 8 months ago Vote for Trump in the "general elections."</blockquote>Pretty soon 12 of 18 selected Jurists will vote in the General Selection to decide Incarceration (or not) based on evidence submitted by the Prosecution Attorney representing the State of NY. You're going to have to learn to keep up. DJT is on trial for his freedom. Or is America bearing witness to DJT's trial for the continuance of that grand experiment called, <b>Democracy and the Rule of Law?</b> Hey, <b>MrZooLook</b> why do you try to hide your alias? πŸ€”πŸ—½ Rudy has been served with more than just a slice of cake for his birthday party!! <url></url> πŸ—½πŸ˜‚ <blockquote>[–] JoWilli (15718) 16 minutes ago yeah, by rigging the election again.</blockquote>When was this election that the Democrats "Rigged" the 1st time? The internet can't find it. πŸ€”<blockquote>if Trump wins, dems will be whining the election was hijacked by Russia.</blockquote>Is JoWilli stating that Russia is involved with attempting to influence the 2024 Election?<blockquote> honestly, I can't wait.</blockquote>Wow! Just wow. Rooting against Democracy. You must not be from around these parts. πŸ—½ Joe winning will be the end of <b>M</b>ake <b>A</b>merica <b>G</b>reat <b>Again</b>! We can only hope. Your name is JoWilli and you approve this message??!! <blockquote>[–] BKB (6507) 3 minutes ago The Jury will find Trump "Guilty" not because they feel he is Guilty,</blockquote>Dear <b>B</b>utter <b>K</b>up <b>B</b>oy, 1. You most clearly can NOT be a citizen of the USofA, or 2. You've never served on a jury, or 3. You've never taken a civics class, or 4. You're from a 3rd world country πŸ€” 5. You don't understand Due Process or Legal proceedings. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ—½ A Grand Jury indicts on <b>Evidence</b>. A Jury decides on <b>Evidence</b>. A Judge adjudicates on <b>Facts</b>. A Judicial Court upholds Justice based on the <b>Truth</b>, <b>The Whole Truth</b>, and nothing but the <b>Truth</b>. Where did your <b>Feels</b> come into play?<blockquote>but because they feel if they find him "Not Guilty", then their livelihood and lives could be in Jeopardy as a result and it's true..</blockquote>Again, you've never served on a jury have you? Did you watch any on TV? Who is going to threaten the livelihoods of the 12+6 Jurists? Who is going to put their lives in jeopardy? How is it <b>True</b>? Is this your projection, your prognostication, or your personal brand of threats?<blockquote>The left so desperately want to do everything in their Power to ensure this man doesn't make it to November</blockquote>Do you NOT understand who are the parties in this court case? Allow me to refresh your Non-Memory: <b>SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK</b> -against- <b>DONALD J. TRUMP,</b> Defendant. STATEMENT OF FACTS IND-71543-23 INTRODUCTION 1. The defendant, DONALD J. TRUMP repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election. 2. From August 2015 to December 2017, the Defendant orchestrated a scheme<blockquote>and so much, they probably lose sleep over it..</blockquote>The ONLY people losing sleep is DJT and his sycophants. <blockquote>It's ridiculous the uproar over this one man of all people in Donald Trump.. πŸ™„</blockquote>DJT should stop <b>Crime</b>-ing and <b>Lying</b>. πŸ—½πŸ€£πŸ—½ <blockquote>[–] BKB (6507) 5 months ago At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL</blockquote>By next week we will find out between Hunter Biden and DJT, who has a better chance of going to jail. πŸ—½ <blockquote>[–] Martoto (4342) 2 hours ago Yeah but he would prefer the world hears it only from him. So he sounds like he was handicapped. </blockquote>πŸ˜‚, you said DJT was "Handicapped"!πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ—½ <blockquote>[–] Branson26 (486) 7 days ago Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.</blockquote>...and the Defense Rests.