MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > DJT's Great Accomplishments: 1st Ex-Pres...

DJT's Great Accomplishments: 1st Ex-President to be awarded a GAG order and fined for Criminal Contempt @ $1K per for $10K AND Convicted on 34 counts!

DJTrump is perfect!

Few people are aware of the records he's achieved that have never been surpassed by a President! All you Democrats and Liberals, I'm going to list them once and for all!

Historically, he is the FIRST President to:
• Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year
• Keep the debt to GDP ratio above 100%
• Have the highest yearly budget deficit
• Most new jobless claims in a single term
• Most money added to the national debt
• Signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 TRILLION tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans
• Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones as a direct result of his policies
• Lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century
• First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice
• Longest government shutdown in history while his OWN party controlled both chambers of Congress
• First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term
• First to be impeached twice, 🤣
• First President to have the most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of his administration
• First President not to concede an election he verifiably lost
• First President to attempt a coup
• First President to not offer transparency and release his tax returns

• Flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic
• Lost around 300,000 manufacturing jobs as almost 2,000 US manufacturing plants closed because of Trump trade war
• Managed to increase the trade deficit by 218 BILLION DOLLARS in just four years
• WASTED millions of taxpayer dollars on golf with much of it lining his own pockets
• WASTED millions on rebranding part of the Air Force to the likings of Star Trek
• WASTED millions on a 50 mi. Mexican/US border wall that Mexico NEVER agreed to pay for.

Provided by commentor:
I want to Thank FOX and OAN for the information gathered and fact checked by them not me.


The next criminal trial is coming up soon.


So much winning! 🤣


To his loyal followers, this is what your proud EX-POTUS DJT has achieved through his lifetime AND that have never been surpassed by any other Ex-President and failed businessman!
Here are the list of Facts!
👉88 (Was 91) Criminal Charges (in all) Felon #(PO1135809)
👉26 Sexual Assault Allegations
👉6 Bankruptcies
👉5 Draft Deferments
👉4 Indictments
👉2 Impeachments
👉1 Convicted Company of Fraud
👉1 Fake University Shut Down
👉1 Fake Charity Shut Down
👉$25 Million Fraud Settlement
👉$5 Million Sexual Abuse Verdict (with more just added)
👉$2 Million Charity Abuse Judgment
👉1,127,152+ Americans died of Covid because of his lies and not taking action.
👉50,000+ documented lies to the American people.
👉Dismisses the entire constitution that America was built on.
👉Donald Trump Is Nothing But a Fraud and most notably a Loser

All Trumpers must be very, very proud of their verified Insurrectionist.

Might as well add this one to the list.
👉Donald Trump Is Nothing But a Liar, and most notably a Loser


This summer the Supreme Court might award him something else. A reversal of his gun grab; making Trump the 1st president to have their own gun grab struck down.


The Supreme Court talked themselves INTO and OUT-OF States Rights. Go figure?! 🗽😂


President Joe Biden refreshed just some of his "Predecessor's" accomplishments last night in Biden's SOTU address. 🗽👍



I don’t know about most of these on your list but I absolutely remember Clinton being under a gag order in the Paula Jones litigation. I remember Monica Lewinsky complaining that it also applied to her which prevented her from defending herself in the court of public opinion.


[–] BeaSouth (2663) 31 minutes ago
I don’t know about most of these on your list but I absolutely remember Clinton being under a gag order in the Paula Jones litigation.
Re-read what you typed and see if there is a Judge that specifically and directly imposed a Gag order on President Bill Clinton. Ex-POTUS DJT was placed under a Gag:

I'm checking for Bill Clinton.....
Still checking for Bill Clinton......

Yes. The Paula Jones V. Bill Clinton case had a Gag Order placed over details about both of their past mutually exclusive sexual histories.
After Wright ordered the case dismissed, the U.S. Circuit Court the appeals court told the judge to reconsider her confidentiality order, which both closed the files and imposed a gag order on parties involved.
You see the two Gag orders as subjectively equivalent and I say, okay.

I rule in my favor on an observable technicality.

An Ex-President won a Gag order because he couldn't stop from defaming private citizens, court personnel, etc. Additionally consider the $88.3 million dollar penalty against DJT as a monetary Gag order against DJT.

DJT even had the limited Gag order re-instated by Federal Judge Chutkan. 🤣


Seems like you splitting hairs after a pretty broad OP. I’m not here defending Trump but none of these vastly wealthy and corrupt politicians - even the ones you’re loyal to - are treading new ground in embarrassing the country.


[–] BeaSouth (2699) 11 days ago
Seems like you splitting hairs after a pretty broad OP. I’m not here defending Trump but none of these vastly wealthy and corrupt politicians - even the ones you’re loyal to - are treading new ground in embarrassing the country.
To which I say, "I don't understand"?

I am not an individual who uses False Equivalencies, What-About-Isms, "Both-Sides Do It", as stalking horses to defend what factually is a Lack-Of-Self-Accountability by DJT and yes by extension, "His Loyal Followers". 👍🗽

Observations are NOT criticisms and the actions of Vastly Wealthy and Corrupt Politicians are observable.

DJT personally was under a GAG order while the Sexual Harassment lawsuit of Jones V Clinton had a GAG order around the access, secrecy, and privacy of the lawsuit and the contents within. I do see those as quite different. DJT's GAG order doesn't embarrass the presidency (only if the voters don't decide to re-elect him given the breadth of his actions). While Clinton's sexual indiscretions with Monica while President embarrassed his wife, but it was his lack of accountability in front of Congress that got him impeached.


Did DJT get GAGged again?!!

Tsk, tsk, tsk. DJT is getting close to having more GAG orders then Impeachments!! 🗽🤣🗽


Historically, Trump is the only incumbent to gain support but somehow lose. That is what a successful coup looks like.

Flatlined a strong economy? LIes. Under Trump lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, most people lifted out of poverty since 1966, best recovery since 1951.

Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year? Obama had deficits every year of both terms.

Effects of Covid pandemic/Democrat governors shutting the country down (Have the highest yearly budget deficit, Most new jobless claims in a single term, Most money added to the national debt, Lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century)

Biden's Trade deficit in 3 years nearly equaled the output of Trump in 4 years:

Trade deficit in millions of US dollars
Trump: -792,395.9 -870,358.4 -845,759.2 -845,759.2 -3354 Biden: -1,071,053 -1,177,372 -1,063,449 -3311


[–] Branson26 (338) 5 days ago
Historically, Trump is the only incumbent to gain support but somehow lose. That is what a successful coup looks like.
Coup: noun
coup (noun) · coups (plural noun)

1. a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government:
"he was overthrown in an army coup"
2. an instance of successfully achieving something difficult:
"it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract"
an unusual or unexpected but successful tactic in card play.

Did you have to admit it to the internet? You clearly don't know what the word Coup means or how to use the word correctly in a sentence. 🤣🗽👍


I refuted your arguments. Now your only argument is that I misused a word, pathetic.

Let me educate you. A coup does not need to be violent. A small group's 'alteration' of the existing government is a coup. In 2020, a small group, used mass election fraud to change the existing government.

coup d'état : a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics
especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group


[–] Branson26 (394) 15 days ago
I refuted your arguments. Now your only argument is that I misused a word, pathetic.
Attempting a Coup is indeed a pathetic and craven act by an Insurrectionist. And no. You didn't refute an argument, or any argument. I'll get back to your commentary when I get off work. 🗽👍


Of course I refuted all your arguments which is why you couldn't counter one thing I said about your garbage post. You had 15 days! I'll be here waiting for you to finally defend your post...


Is it really a gag order when he repeatedly violates it. But it is only "suggested" by a judge he will risk jail time if he does it again, and again, and again?


[–] Ranb (7192) 4 days ago
Is it really a gag order when he repeatedly violates it. But it is only "suggested" by a judge he will risk jail time if he does it again, and again, and again?
the Judge is indeed playing chess and is unwilling to provide DJT an avenue for appeal and for making DJT a alleged, so-called political martyr flashing his forever Victim Card. 🗽👍🤣


Is it really a gag order when he repeatedly violates it.

I’m sensing your skepticism, doubt and suspicion, lol.

It’s all a show and for optics. And even if it wasn’t, any actions taken by a judge will only backfire in the end.


Seems like a GAG order to DJT though. Maybe $9K won't make DJT GAG but let's see if an escalated series of fines up to incarceration will make him not only GAG but CHOKE on his nothingburger texts, posts, and on camera statements.


[–] Ranb (7234) 7 days ago
Is it really a gag order when he repeatedly violates it.
Let's tally up DJT's actions: 9 Violations = $9,000.
But it is only "suggested" by a judge he will risk jail time if he does it again, and again, and again?
Judge Merchan addressed your compound query and will follow that up with a written order. There will be a monetary escalation up to $100,00 per violation to get DJT's fiduciary attention.

At this time DJT and Truth Social has taken down the violating posts and DJT has until midnight tonight to have everything cleaned up. 🗽👍🤣

If DJT continues "Lock Him Up" will be on his Bingo card.


Meh, maybe. I still think Trump is getting the "it's legal when it's a fine" treatment for the wealthy.


Incarceration is indeed based on DJT's actions and he has another four violations filed by the NY AG that will be ruled on.🫡


Trump leads in all 7 swings states. If the courts cases/actions are not politically motivated attacks against a rival then what is?


So you're saying that a candidate for office should be immune from prosecution? This kind if thing is exactly what Trump is planning on doing to his enemies when he is re-elected. Why are you not in favor of it?


That doesn't answer my question.


I'm asking for clarification. I think you're too chickensh*t to answer a simple question anyway, so why should you expect any from me?

I cannot decide for you what is politically motivated attacks. That is up to you. I think Trump is getting more than a fair deal compared to what would have happened to anyone else


Are you really this foolish? You ducked my question by asking your question, pathetic.


If you can't man up, then this conversation has run its course.


Agian, you ducked my question by asking your question, pathetic.


[–] Branson26 (428) an hour ago
Agian, you ducked my question by asking your question, pathetic.
I answered your invalid question. Invalid of course was my editorial commentary. 🗽👍

[–] Branson26 (421) 18 hours ago
Trump leads in all 7 swings states.
Polls are not votes and an election is still required to determine a winner.
If the courts cases/actions are not politically motivated attacks against a rival then what is?
The Court Cases and Actions are as follows based on the Petitioner and the Respondent:






THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:

As you can see it doesn't say DA Bragg, nor Judge Merchan, nor President Biden in this speaking indictment.
against a rival then what is?
DJT's Rival is the Law and the People of NY.

One more thing: The only vote(s) that matter to DJT are the votes of the jurors. Nothing in the 7 Swing states is bound to their votes. DJT's freedom is bound to those jurors and he is already in Criminal Contempt by attempting to attack them and the court.

P.S. Did you notice that in that indictment DJT is a Criminal Defendant and NOT a president? 🗽🗽🤣


Polls are indicative of the leading candidate. All these courts cases are pushed by Democrats against their rival who is also the leading candidate because they know Biden will lose this election that is election interference.


You got it backwards. Trump is just another common criminal whose actions have finally caught up with him. Americans are entitled to a speedy trial, Trump choose to delay his trials until it was time to campaign.

Trump just made more poor decisions, like the ones he made that got him in trouble.


Common criminal? Yes, so much for innocent until proven guilty just type of rhetoric that is to be expected for politically motivated trials.

Trump choose to delay his trials until time to campaign? Nonsense! For this hush money trial the subpoena was issued in August 2019. The Grand jury didn't vote to indict Trump until March 2023 to ensure the trial happened during the election year.


Yes, common criminal. I'll call him what I want. Notice I didn't say he was convicted of anything.

Trump was indicted March 2023. Prosecutors wanted a January 2024 trial, but Trump pushed for later in the year. In March and April of 2024, Trump requested four times that the trial be delayed, he was denied.

Trump should have asked for a speedy trial instead. But he knows he could be convicted and risks being put in jail. But if he delays long enough, he could possibly use his power as president to stay free.


"Prosecutors wanted a January 2024 trial." Yes, the trial was already set for election year not by Trump. Trump was subpoenaed in 2019. They could've indicted him in 2021. Instead they delayed that indictment for 2 years because the trial is not about Trump's guilt but about creating election year interference.


So why did Trump keep on trying to delay the trial?


The Same reason they delayed indictments; the trials are a sham.


[–] Branson26 (421) 18 hours ago
Trump leads in all 7 swings states.
Polls are not votes and an election is still required to determine a winner.
If the courts cases/actions are not politically motivated attacks against a rival then what is?
The Court Cases and Actions are as follows based on the Petitioner and the Respondent:






THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:

As you can see it doesn't say DA Bragg, nor Judge Merchan, nor President Biden in this speaking indictment.
against a rival then what is?
DJT's Rival is the Law and the People of NY.

One more thing: The only vote(s) that matter to DJT are the votes of the jurors. Nothing in the 7 Swing states is bound to their votes. DJT's freedom is bound to those jurors and he is already in Criminal Contempt by attempting to attack them and the court.

P.S. Did you notice that in that indictment DJT is a Criminal Defendant and NOT a president? 🗽🗽🤣


Not a president? No kidding, he's the leading candidate who is required to be present in court throughout his trial every weekday, except Wednesday during an election year. All of these trials are pushed by Democrats.


Americans are entitled to a speedy trial, Trump choose to delay his trials until it was time to campaign.

Trump just made more poor decisions, like the ones he made that got him in trouble.


March 31, 2023

The grand jury votes to indict Trump.


Trump was indicted March 2023. Prosecutors wanted a January 2024 trial, but Trump pushed for later in the year. In March and April of 2024, Trump requested four times that the trial be delayed, he was denied.

Trump should have asked for a speedy trial instead. But he knows he could be convicted and risks being put in jail. But if he delays long enough, he could possibly use his power as president to stay free.




"Prosecutors wanted a January 2024 trial." Yes, the trial was already set for election year not by Trump. Trump was subpoenaed in 2019. They could've indicted him in 2021. Instead they delayed that indictment for 2 years because the trial is not about Trump's guilt but about creating election year interference.


So why did Trump keep on trying to delay the trial further?


Required discovery:

"In March 2024, the U.S. Attorney's Office provided prosecutors with approximately 170,000 pages of documents, largely related to the 2017 federal probe of Cohen's payment to Daniels (and mostly reflecting evidence already turned over to Trump's lawyers in June 2023).[199][200][201] Trump's lawyers sought a delay in the trial on the basis of the newly produced records; the DA Office's said in court that only 300 of the documents were relevant to Trump's defense.[202] On March 15, 2024, the judge delayed the start of trial until mid-April."


Why do you think any of these were files that Trump's team had not already reviewed? Trump is all about delay, delay until he dies or he is president again.


Whine to the judge who believed in due cause for the delay. Again, they waited 4 years after Trump was subpoenaed to indict...


I'm not the one whining. Trump is the one who decided to commit crimes that got him put on trial while he also decided to run for office.

You don't see Trump's posts crying about how everything is unfair and he is being denied his civil rights?


You're whining about the judge's delay. Cry to the judge.

Again, they waited 4 years after Trump was subpoenaed to indict...It's not about Trump's guilt but hurting him during the election year.


Trump is raising funds and using the trial to raise even more by casting himself as the innocent victim. How is this hurting Trump at all?

Trump could make this an actual issue, but he has never pushed for a speedy trial. Why do you think Trump has not done this?


Imagine asking how a Grand Jury trial could hurt a candidate during an election year. Trump claiming election interference has made it an actual issue.


I don't have to imagine it. Trump decided to run for office at the same time that he is defending himself against criminal charges.

Trump should have pushed for a speedy trial instead.


Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run.


With a speedy trial he could have already been in prison by now. Trump screwed up. :)


Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?


[–] Branson26 (456) 18 hours ago
Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?
DJT plays Stupid games and gets awarded Stupid prizes. Make that $10,000 and soon to be followed by Incarceration if he continues to play a Stupid game with the courts.


After he decided to run. Imagine that.


[–] Branson26 (462) 3 days ago
After he decided to run. Imagine that.
Your Chronometer is a bit off. DJT's Crime spree happened before, during, and after his failed presidency.
[–] Branson26 (456) 18 hours ago
Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?
DJT plays Stupid games and gets awarded Stupid prizes. Make that $10,000 and soon to be followed by Incarceration if he continues to play a Stupid game with the courts.


Happened before and during his presidency? Yet they waited until after he was running to indict...imagine that.


Wouldn't you if someone threatened, bragged and pledged to make themselves entirely above the law if elected? And making that his number one priority?


Wait years to indict? NO.


[–] Branson26 (463) 16 hours ago
Happened before and during his presidency?
DJT lacks self-control when it comes to both Crime-ing and Lying. After awhile that catches up to you as so noted into evidence by the prosecution. 🗽👍
Yet they waited until after he was running to indict...
You seem to have a problem with procedure and Grand Jury developments.

DJT used the system of "Due Process" and the Court of Public Opinion against itself.

imagine that.
Yes, "Imagine" the Arc of Justice bending awkwardly towards fairness just to accommodate DJT.

Accountability must be awarded to DJT as he is going to fight oversight and being held to the same standard that all are held to.

Stormy Daniels is a US Citizen just as DJT is a US Citizen, both being heard in front of a jury. 🗽👍🗽

This Is America! 🗽


All that still no explanation why they waited to indict...


They didn't wait four years, that's just how long it takes to put together very complicated crime cases. The documents case happened in 2022 and that delay is quite obviously due to Trumps judge doing him a favor. Its a slam dunk case for the prosecution.


I don't care what you think. They subpoenaed Trump in 2019. It doesn't take years to go to trial for even murder let alone falsifying business records.


Trump should have demanded a speedy trial so he could clear his honest, chaste, holy and family man image.


They would've have indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.


They did




[–] Branson26 (475) 3 days ago
They would've have indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.
•• DJT Completed his one and only term and expanded the deficit each year of his term••
• Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected.
• Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote.
• Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned.
• Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted.

And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR.

• DJT didn't lower your taxes (He deferred them)
• He didn't get you that healthcare coverage
• He did not unite the USA, he divided it
• He didn't lower your prescription prices
• Didn't get your roads or bridges built
• He didn't decrease the deficit
• He didn't end the opioid crisis
•• He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 million••
• He didn't revive the coal industry
• He didn't make covid-19 'disappear'••
• He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall
• He is ranked the worst President in history••
• He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer
• He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration
• He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers
• He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total
• He incited an insurrection against our government
• He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval.
• He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp...
• He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term

This is for Patriots, dumb magabilly cult zombies won't get the message, too far gone..


Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.


[–] Branson26 (476) 10 hours ago
Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.
Here is a factoid that you are missing: You're working in the Court-Of-Public Opinion where DJT's actions, words, and lying have no real "LEGAL" consequences.

DJT's crimes aren't being adjudicated by your beliefs. DJT is a Criminal Defendant being held accountable by the Legal System of the USofA.

You believe a bunch of made-up talking points and nothing happening in the Courts by a Judicial system resonates with you. Tsk, tsk.


Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.


[–] Branson26 (486) 7 days ago
Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.
...and the Defense Rests.


I already destroyed your silly list. Make a new thread and I'll be happy to destroy it again.


[–] Branson26 (489) 12 days ago
I already destroyed your silly list. Make a new thread and I'll be happy to destroy it again.
...and yet DJT's greatest hits list continue to grow!🗽👍🗽
