IrinaOma's Replies

I love "Proof of Life" very much plus "Kate & Leopold" was successful too. Anyway, I miss her. She is one of the best Romance actresses Don't make a fool of yourself. Alien is in EVERY single list "Best Movies Ever". Alien has higher ratings almost everywhere. Not to mention the fact that Alien has a MUCH bigger cultural impact and influence. Almost every sci-fi/horror movie copies Alien, not Aliens He would make a great DC movie but stupid producers ruined everything. He had a great vision for Justice League though. I don't blame him at all 1. Grease 2 (1982) 2. Batman Forever (1995) 3. Hannibal (2001) 4. Major League II (1994) 5. The Fly II (1989) 6. Cruel Intentions 2 (2000) 7. American Psycho 2 (2002) 8. Predator 2 (1990) 9. The Sting II (1983) 10. Batman & Robin (1997) 11. Shock Treatment (1981) - sequel to Rocky Horror Picture Show 12. Xxx: State of the Union (2005) 13. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) 14. Robocop 3 (1993) Aliens, Lethal Weapon 2, Superman 2, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol are as good as the originals but NOT better. 10 Cloverfield Lane is worse than Cloverfield I'd add Mad Max 2 Oh, my lovely Walker from my lovely childhood. They're rebooting the series but why not on big screen? I'm more into giallos but I love some Poliziotteschi films very much: Dirty Harry, The French Connection, Magnum Force, Serpico, Almost Human Haha That reminds me of old good IMDb boards Yes! As a businesswoman and entertainer she is doing very well. She makes money on everything. She's richer than Britney, Beyonce, Taylor, Ariana and many others. That's why I respect this hard-working woman That's ok! We have so many brilliant giallo films. It's hard to choose just 5. I'm a bit biased because Tenebrae is usually overshadowed by other Argento films like Suspiria, Deep Red or even The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. That's why I always try to defend Tenebrae. Anyway, it's still my favorite Dario film. Don't worry dear. I never have high expectations. I literally ADORE a ton of low-budget sci-fi/horror/comedy films from the 70s/80s/90s. There is no such thing as "right taste in music" my dearest! Unfortunately, you're so right about J.Lo. Her first 3 albums are still the strongest. I'm glad she had another boom with "On the Floor" in 2011 but her latest albums are nowhere near as good as amazing "J.Lo" (2001) - her greatest album IMO. Call me mad but I really love her critically panned "Brave" (2007). She was pregnant during that era and only made 2 singles. The title track, Forever, Mile In These Shoes and Stay Together could have been hits You're so right. This movie is really unique and you can even feel that spirit of Kubrick You're absolutely right. I saw them but I was talking about big screen I agree - it's much better! I'd love to see Joaquin Phoenix and Laura Dern to be nominated. They deserve it. They even deserve to win OK 1. Tenebrae (1982) 2. The House of the Laughing Windows (1976) 3. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) 4. The Case of the Scorpion's Tail (1971) 5. Seven Blood-Stained Orchids (1972) & Trauma (1993) & A Blade in the Dark (1983) - all tied! Well, in 2012 Madonna wasn't as big as she was in the 80s/90s/00s but she did an amazing show. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira are very successful in tours and both ladies are still huge outside US, even bigger than mostly "american" stars Ariana, Camilla or even Beyonce