MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Who would have guess this show would hav...

Who would have guess this show would have ended horriblely

I mean if you never seen the endings Battlestar Galatica, The Sopranos, Lost, Dexter, etc, etc, etc.


What exactly was wrong with the BSG ending?


Everything. They pulled the big Hub cylon base out of their ass when they were already years of traveling away from the Cylon homeworld and then everyone gave up their technology which ensured that they would learn nothing and repeat the same mistakes.

Oh and Kara Thrace was an angel.


Yeah, you're not the same guy at all.

The only one fixated on the idea of a flaccid penis is YOU and your socks. hahaha

[–] Jacksman344 (6) 2 hours ago

Unless it has a floppy penis in it. Most people here wont be interested.
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[–] bond998 (285) 40 minutes ago

I don't think GOT fans would like this shows. Not enough beheading, tites and floppy penises. Probably wouldn't Like Lord of the Rings either.


Dude, Get a life. South Park had a whole episode several years back about the limp dicks on GOT. It had a song about wieners . Its not a new observation.


Ahhh, so this little group of people decide to show up and post about GOT to make reference to a South Park episode that's "several YEARS" old??!!

And it's not "floppy penis" but "limp dick" now, right?

Well, guess who said it that way in the very same thread! It's our 8 post buddy, Splinter88899!

[–] Splinter88899 (8) a month ago

What magical about GoT again. Was it all the beheadings, the incest, all the boring backstabbing, the softcore sex scenes or all the shots of limp dicks after the sex scene. You know i think of GOT "Magical" dose not come to mind. More like overrated soap opera.


[–] bond998 (285) a month ago

Hellboy on HBO?? Yeah i cant wait for all the pointless sex scene and all the limp dick shots on Hellboy penis.

You four must have penis on the brain after watching old South Park reruns together!!

hahaha. You buffoon!


Your spending that much time going through every post go back a month on something that isn't related Game of Thrones at all. You really don't have a life, do you. Really man see a therapist.


You didnt read your own posts.

Even in a Hellboy thread it all comes back to dick and GOT for you.

hahaha. Go create another sock to post here again tomorrow.

Within 5 posts, you'll inevitably refer to penis in multiple ways, Schindler's List, The Shawshank Redemption, and Battlestar Galactica -- b/c you're that stupid.


You must be great to be at parties with you. You must go through everyone wallet looking for some dirt on them to blackmail them with. Really Get a life. Find a therapist and find a way to accept that not everybody likes TV Shows that you do.


The MC fraud with at least 4 accounts is talking about getting a life?

If it's not you in every instance, why give such a weird example like blackmail? Blackmail is when you have something on someone. How can that apply to what I'm doing with you here?? Weren't you just a guy posting with no connection to these socks a few words ago?

No crying innocence any longer. You're melting. hahaha


Now your just bagging for attention. Goodnight.


And poof another troll cant take what he weakly tried to dish out!



I knew that they'd never be able to please everybody, but damn. This hurt a lot more than it needed to, because I didn't see the trainwreck coming.


The Game of Thrones ending seemed pretty good to me. People just whining because Danerys or Jon didn't end up on the throne. They must have mistaken this for a standard fantasy novel, when it was clear all along it wasn't.


As I recall, George R.R. Martin was once quoted as saying how he had once envisioned the books to end. I found it very bothersome. He had a vision of Winter settling in, and the snow blowing over a field of graves. Everyone was dead. I'm starting to wonder if he was serious, or if he told anyone making the show about that vision.
