artguylarry's Posts

Nothing new on the MC boards for this great movie? I am trying hard to give this every best chance. What would have made this at least a LITTLE better.... After avoiding this movie for YEARS because of the TV spot.... Posted before on IMDb: Midge, Ox, Saul, Jerry.... Any opinions on the new Day (2018) v the original Day (1985) Good through 6. Started flying off track at 7. Horror "formulas" that don't deserve to stand among list of "greatest horror movies" What scares you? And will you watch a movie that makes you face it? In a Bed of Rose's The Most Brutal of the Franchise.. Meh... Great Halloween movie. So many original elements. Lazy writing or re-imaginative nod to the franchise? As silly as the premise may be.... Fans of the earlier seasons: who do you miss the most? I guess I don't get it.... Starting over. Ya know, back when it was a good show.