ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Fair point Cookie But as a king...i dont know...maybe send your top lieutenants and go run the North for a few scenes? Sending a few ranger groups out from the wall would have been a good idea...I get it that Cersei and other people wont believe the Army of the Dead story without proof (i wouldnt either to be honest) It just seems that Jon was being a heroic fool by going himself He should at least be a bit concerned about events at Winterfell #2-certainly agree He just seems to have...evolved or matured or smthg since he was injured... #8-Gregor ('the mountain that rides') Clegane And no way Glad you like it... #1-me too #2-yeah Jaime starts out as an entitled/arrogant ass and really grows on you... #3-yup hopefully (Tormund btw) #8-haha (bronn) pretty sure not an item but whatever at this point! #16-yeah they are taking their sweet ass time Oops...i stand corrected That could be good but i dont think theres enough eps left to do it And i guess 'Night King' cuz hes bringing the long winter/night with him How everyone knows what to call him i dont old legend maybe? Yeah 'Ajax'/Francis lol The actor has a great creepy-guy face Heh yeah-Jon is good people...and the first Dario actor had the right amount of 'sleazy' dude behavior...second actor was a bit too nerdy/not intimidating imo Could not stand her in this one...her husband is flying to the other side of the world to fight an unstoppable Russian monster man( and the Cold War apparently ...) and she cant be a BIT more supportive?? 'YOU CANT WIN!!' Jeez... Grounds for divorce! Hated her in the Godfather movies too...mike should have tossed his kid sister out of the room when he was planning his crimes...really dislike this actress for messing up some good movies Yup great movie Nice referance to Blade Runner as well...cant wait to see Gosling and Harrison at the theater! Should be great stuff... Ha! That 'river' has been in sooo many films...and 'lowered expectations' segments from the old Living Color skit show...Grease, To live and Die in LA.... Yeah Jorah seems resigned to the fact that hes more of a 'friend' at this point I also think a fight with Jon would end terribly for Jorah... Agreed...Hot Pie is the hero Westeros needs :) Nice!! Except Dany is unable to have a baby...sadly And yeah...badass Tormund playing Mr Mom would be priceless Oooh snap!! IM FURIOUS AND UGLY...YARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Interesting thoughts...i have to mull... Yup Big eps of BB, GOT and TWD would often crash IMDB Good times... Thx for deleting Komrad I think that was very nice and polite of you...looking to see/chat with you soon :)