ShogunofYonkers's Replies

That made no sense...elaborate Honestly the fight scene was easily the best part of this very good movie...and yup-it seems to go on and on for several minutes ( first youre thrilled, then sort of bored, then it becomes stupid...until youre thrilled and loving it again...) I honestly think this might be the best action beat down ive ever seen and we have all seen a hundred of them! You can put these users on ignore brux But you probs shouldn't visit boards where your'e gonna get spoiled and upset and stuff...i didnt even like this show but it was a while ago bruxie:( Whining way after the airing is sort of lame but whatevever... It DID start out very crappy- But it's picked up a bit since then- Nick and Strand are somewhat interseting characters and i would like to see if they make it to safety alive Also the blond mom is real cute so we have that going for us...which is nice ;) I think hes a goner in-book Even the woods and lakes were out of game at that point...and holy crap i felt frozen reading that final chapter about his army's situation... It would be very GRRM to not even explain it but give another character a pov chapter that explained the destruction of he and his army in an off-handed way:( The 'time travel/geography' fuck ups are annoying...but HBO cant continue to spend 5+million per ep without end... I agree and im not a huge fan of immediate raven deliveries and Gendry becoming the greatest sprinter the North has ever seen... Still, the (slow...) speed of the WW attack on the dumb-ass zombie kidnapper crew, the gigantic chains, all could be attributed to a trap set by the NK to take a dragon for a future attack on the wall Further, Benjen is now a 'supernatural' type creature and may have been lying in wait to rescue his very naiive but heroic nephew from his own foolish mission choice... Also, pls dont wait for GRRM to ever finish anything again except for dinner Finally -if you dont care for GOT anymore i suppose you are not alone (fair enough) but i still find it intriguing and generally excellent week to week ( despite some flaws)...'travesty' is a bit harsh imo Yeah but she's only good for backing up about half her bullshit WORST priestess of Rholler ever !!! (Use the Android Dungeon comic nerd voice from The Simpsons when you read that last bit lol;) Stannis is dead and over with in the show ... And hes really screwed in the books ( snowed in, stalemate with opposing forces, watching his army starve in a frozen wasteland...) Stannis is done for It may have! Yeah...teenagers are annoying as hell-but i guess i was too lol Still kinda like the actress...she really is an annoying emo kid type which fits the part And Carl DOES need to get a bit of action sometimes! Would have been good to watch The Gov could def throw hands ( he pretty much destroyed Rick in that final fight) but he was a tempermental asshat (ie shooting up his own what a dummy) give the edge to Negan Yikes!! Frankenmountain/ice zombie porn might be a thing...not gonna google tho lol! Just youtubed about 4 minutes of the Taarna ep of Heavy Metal...yeah that was good stuff Kinda reminded me of Conan the Destroyer music when they kill the glass wizard lol Thx AngularTurnip Thx I guess i gotta rewatch that one...been like 20 years at least :( Ill youtube later thx Im a fan of a great score! Yeah...its my favorite movie ever Smthg about the brutality and action sequences, the doomed romance and crazy evil black magic of love this one! Anyway, if you care to share what you disliked id be happy to chat :) A brief google shows a Time article that seemed a tad 'hopeful' for a happy ending...Reddit was a typical circle jerk of silly theories and snarky remarks (ie a pretty fun read lol) and other links were just clip-baiting stuff... I dont know...but i think most of the fan faves die beating the WW's back for another thousand years and we're left with a couple of houses to go about business as usual for Westeros (you know...murders, incest, plotting, wars, human scaled horrors...) 'If were hoping for a happy ending we have not been paying attention' Agree completely Might be my favorite ever Makes me wanna break stuff and hurt people...and im generally against those sorts of things 10/10 !!! Agree completely Might be my favorite ever Makes me wanna break stuff and hurt people...and im generally against those sorts of things 10/10 !!! Yeah peeps are chattering a lot which is nice! I just wish more IMDB posters would pop up here...i miss a bunch of them! This movie was just stupid: Pedo crap, sexual torture, forced poo-eating, mass murder...just really dumb Love horror/thriller/dramas etc but jeez...if there was a point to this bullcrap i guess some genius out there could come along and explain it...unless wanting fascist dickheads to die horribly is some deep stuff??