ShogunofYonkers's Replies

No reply... No funny joke... Fail Ralph Fun trolls used to have skills Im here Gary This is one of my favorite horror novels Read it three times and still find it spooky as hell TV movie version wasnt awful but i could rally around a reboot... Thoughts Gary? Agreed db- Bond was nearly suicidal in the old/original Fleming novels (drinking/chain-smoking/did not care anymore) He felt really awful about killing those first few targets and it was pretty well written story-wise...really liked most of the movies but only Dalton and Lazenby played the human side of the role wow! You seem really smart Nicko Nose! Explain your brilliant opinions about this amazing piece of cinematic all agitated awaiting your big thoughts Cant wait to get educated by an obviously advanced person with great ideas... Yup...we screened Martyrs during our birthing day...beautiful experience Cool I read the blog and replied...thx - i liked it Nice work!!! I hope you keep it up You are not being unfair and i tend to agree...but i STILL love the new generation of movies (and the renewed public attention on the franchise) and will happily spend a fortune on tickets and t-shirts and action figures etc til the end of time ! I guess im just a fool lololol Keep writing...your'e good! Keep posting and blogging...youre good at it Chris Nice writing...agree with your points... THE NORTH AGREES! I just meant im a straight guy over here but i admire JDM and his i suppose i cant really say if hes a hot guy or not but he is awesome Also, he should do more action/comic book movies No offense intended... His comic timing is superb Always seems like the smartest guy in his scenes And he plays one of the best smartasses around...guy is gonna be a legend Not the best judge of his hotness here but he is a great Negan and totally nailed the Comedian role in Watchmen This guy is awesome...should do some more comic book movies...this dude is intimidating (though i hear hes pretty normal and decent irl...) and totally cool on screen He owns a large farm and candy shop (of all things lol) not far from me in NYS ...Heard hes a pretty decent fellow...regular dude type No hate here and i think he is spot on as Negan! She def was fine But I liked Vicki (Wendy lyon) way more... Great body and cutesy girl next door type...that full frontal shower/aggressive lesbian scene speaks for itself! A poster named Komrad 'spoiled' a finale event so Atarimaster blocked him Im not a huge believer in leaked spoilers but i understand Atari's point... Fair enough We shall see ( if the damn books ever finish!) Sorry youre easily offended lol ;) we can all try to be nicer to you ... Or maybe a big boy and put us bad people on ignore That made no sense...elaborate Honestly the fight scene was easily the best part of this very good movie...and yup-it seems to go on and on for several minutes ( first youre thrilled, then sort of bored, then it becomes stupid...until youre thrilled and loving it again...) I honestly think this might be the best action beat down ive ever seen and we have all seen a hundred of them!