MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Stannis is still alive in the books

Stannis is still alive in the books

i think he's still alive in the show as well.


Stannis is dead and over with in the show ...
And hes really screwed in the books ( snowed in, stalemate with opposing forces, watching his army starve in a frozen wasteland...)
Stannis is done for


Well, there's always Melisandre....


Yeah but she's only good for backing up about half her bullshit
WORST priestess of Rholler ever !!!
(Use the Android Dungeon comic nerd voice from The Simpsons when you read that last bit lol;)


Yeah his army has been buried in the raging snow, and the Bolton's are all safe and secure behind the great walls of Winterfell. It seems Stannis will not survive the upcoming Battle of Winterfell in The Winds of Winter, but I hope I'm wrong and hopefully he continues to be a major character for a long time to come.


I think hes a goner in-book
Even the woods and lakes were out of game at that point...and holy crap i felt frozen reading that final chapter about his army's situation...
It would be very GRRM to not even explain it but give another character a pov chapter that explained the destruction of he and his army in an off-handed way:(


His situation is still much more better in the books and he also led a bigger army so its still anyone guess who will end up on top.


Fair enough
We shall see ( if the damn books ever finish!)


I read the books after watching the show and the books are so far behind. It's going to be so odd reading the new books if they ever come out because I don't even consider the books the real story anymore.


I know, the books are like the director's cuts now. Nobody really wanted them, but the director felt like his vision was hindered by the studio executives, and his contract allows him to do them.
