ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Dont wanna spoil as its too good of a little gem to do that so: The main character believes he is a vampire and is obsessed with the topic Yes...he is mentally ill...he is a threat to everyome around him and its a gory and sad tale Ha! Nice Assuming you know the general story and are still curious then yes, see it Its a major exploitation movie and a must for horror fans but the sexual depravity is pretty hard to take You have been warned...again Hi Kane If the OP was wasting your super important time with that post why did you waste even more of your totally double super important time by responding..? Just go back to your cancer research or building wind farms or whatever high level stuff you do and skip being an uppity jerk altogether? Lololol I temember that crap too!! Those claymation dragons tho...Dany could use one:.( The Milo actor was really good-i gotta look him up Felt bad for the kid but was pretty creeped by him too also, since his victims were often homeless or addicts or bathroom 'cruiser' types im not sure tons of pressure would be applied to the investigations The cops went on the warpath when that white suburban boy got wasted so there you go Here in America a lot of terrible shit goes down in the hood and not a lot of people care...sad but undeniable Hi You need to relpy to OP in order to alert him/her But im glad you hit me cuz maybe ill chk out that Brosnan western Thx Bronn should be just fine if he sticks to his personal code He will flee as soon as things start looking bad which he has admitted all along I really enjoyed his great banter over the years with Pod and Tyrion and Jaime etc but hes out as soon as all seems lost...maybe cross the sea to Essos if the WW's take Westeros and join up with other sellswords Yes!! I miss Edd ! Maybe Edd has been grooming Ghost this whole time Thats gotta take a while right? •Ozark is pretty good •Vikings starts strong ,gets stupid then ended last season well •Snowfall has been pretty decent •Narcos was a great one •most of the Netflix Marvel shows are really good and more are coming... Classics like The Wire, Breaking Bad or Sopranos if you never caught them are top shelf/long term binges... Good luck! Yep...there is that too Much more a fan of killing sprees than going to the prom that one! I always thought Arya and Gendry would have been a cute couple But most everyone seems pretty doomed so i guess its moot And Sansa is playing the game now so she needs a landed lord ( if she lives...) Yup she is Big (6'3!) and sexy irl too Also seems adorably kooky... im sold Fair enough I really liked up to about issue 120 or so Lololololololol He really does look like like that F'ing laughing my ass off Nice story idea but i doubt it... I think Euron would wipe the floor with Theon...Theon got very lucky against that Ironborn brute in the finale Found it Ep 18 of S2 White Tulip Not really a maudlin fiction fan but good Very similar but the actors and characters are way stronger imo Fringe also has one of the most amazingly sad yet romantic eps ive ever seen in a sci-fi show ever...ill look it up and get back to you soon Absolutely yes Dr Bishop is an amazing oddball, lead girl is a cutie, great stories (sci-fi/horror) Now youve made me wanna rewatch it! By all means put it at the top of your list Yes