MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > What will Bronn be up to in Season 8?

What will Bronn be up to in Season 8?

Bronn is my favorite of all the GoT characters. I cheered like it was Superbowl Sunday when he shot Drogon. I really want him to survive the show. I was kind of surprised he did not go off with Jaime to join Jon et al.

I hope he plays a very active role in Season 8, doing all kinds of roguish and heroic things, yet surviving. I am hoping the last shot we see of him involves him riding out of the smoking ruins of King's Landing with a sack of loot strapped to his horse.


Bronn should be just fine if he sticks to his personal code
He will flee as soon as things start looking bad which he has admitted all along
I really enjoyed his great banter over the years with Pod and Tyrion and Jaime etc but hes out as soon as all seems lost...maybe cross the sea to Essos if the WW's take Westeros and join up with other sellswords


Bronn is a rat who'll always desert a sinking ship, and Cersei's ship is slowly sinking. My guess is that after a while, long enough to realize he doesn't want to go back to being a common sellsword, he'll go back to Jamie and Tyrion because he knows they'll give him a job.

Of class urse in real life such a person would go look for a new lord in a safe place like Bravos, but he's too popular to do that. He'll join Team Dragon.


I bet before he bails on KL he will find Tyene still barely alive but her mother dead and whisks here away
