ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Very cool post:) Thx hween ! Love behind the scenes stuff Yeah i only saw this on cable... Never the theater Plus im kinda dumb with my lady friends/ told (by the boys at work cuz we non-stop gossip about stuff;)) lots of the ladies have a fake hair game: Color/wigs/extensions...i never even notice lol Word Thats a great one Enjoy! Youre awesome-ill remember your name filmtenk I couldnt do that...i get too antsy!! Cheers to you:) This show is really great! One sit binge huh..? You should prolly have some ice water and a really hot shower bro... Dont know how you did that! Good movie Cute girls I didnt even notice... I work with a bunch of ladies that wear wigs or get the extensions...they look pretty good Plus im usually looking at the ass or boobs so... Agreed Cookie ... I didnt notice it either Narcos S3 is awesome AND so is Nic Cage...wth?!? ;) Luke Cage was a pretty cool hero when i read comics as a kid He was (maybe...) the first black American superhero and many of his plots involved saving impoverished communities or black power type stuff He was almost indestructable, bullet-proof and badass! He teamed up with Iron Fist a lot and it was all pretty progressive 70's stuff I liked the show a lot...chk it out when you get a few days off work...its good Yeah just watch it It been mostly pretty good... Lots of characters have relations to each other from season to season but thats not really my can figure it all out on Reddit or whatever afterwards if you like Each season is a stand alone affair Enjoy!! Its good stuff...lots of pretty girls and decent scares No You can just watch if you like...theyre all heroes so youll pick it up pretty quickly... But Iron Fist and Luke Cage were both pretty good if you find some time ... The fight choreography in Iron Fist was pretty weak considering its a martial arts show but it was still pretty good... And Rosario Dawson shows up a bunch of times in all the netflix thats a good enough reason to watch it all;) Im bending over backwards to swallow this load of nonsense Dont think i can stomach it ! Ha!! Heisenberg episode (cant recall name of ep) is what made me think of when i heard the intro Interesting info about the style ... Yeah latin music is pretty fucking good...and i know fuck all about it so Thx Winslow-ill spread the word Pants-crappingly horrible And that freezer scene later in the season! I guess Scarface was semi-realistic... Im gonna stick to my boring day job! Disagree Its gonna be great ... 'All Out War' You know you'll be watching;) NOBODY can not watch Negan. Yeah S1 and S2 had some decent moments But S3 really kicked it up for me Unexpected MAIN character deaths, the writing seemed better/pacing issues were dealt with, druggie boy is full-on cool now...i liked it and wanna see next season asap yessir !! looks just fine to me! Sorry bro... ive been there Jeez didnt even know about the director nonsense on JL I guess ill just go and see... Thx Frog