Asshatted douche nozzle!

Offers people prayers...BUT locks the door to his 17,000 seat mega church,a facility that was un effected by floods and has a backup generator...#WWJD
Also he looks like the love child of Jackie Earl Haley and little finger!


I try not to dwell on this stuff too much, but for this guy to purport to be religious and preach a gospel of Prosperity, that's just messed up.


His reaction to the initial blowback is what did it for me.

He could have easily quelled the shock by admitting that himself and his organization fucked up when closing the doors so early instead of monitoring the situation hourly and making a decision to open up the place. Instead, he spun it by saying that they never said it was closed off, a fat faced LIE that contradicts written statements by his church.

If you're gonna exercise hubris without consequences, this isn't the way to do it.
