ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Cool I think remember you from The Walking Dead board on the other site Cheers! I liked him The dislike may have been aimed at his voiceover / narration which isnt his fault but seemed to annoy people Its great imo Pedro Pascals performance is worth your time if nothing else He is great It is a moving and beautiful opening theme I play it in my house pretty often I just dont tell the family where its from ;) IKR!! That guy is clearly a non-bowling schmo! Both bowling and surfing are HUGE in the Hollywood community from what i hear Well that is bullshit! If youre gonna leave come to America-we have tons of unions If you have a degree you will fit right could also get a good degree in two years or so (but you will bust your ass earning it-fair warning bro!) I think you would prosper in many places here.. Or Canada as Hownoes was trying to recruit you some time ago-youd fit well in either place... Good luck buddy....plenty of money and girls and land here! If your nose gets itchy youre gonna have a fistfight If you see a mouse on the floor while clothes-shopping...very bad news is ahead Catch a SeaRobin from the deep when fishing...cut it open and chuck it back in Good one Heard it too! Not to worry He wont because he/she cant provide a bit of proof Forget them Just another cur picking at the bones of the dead Gross vultures... Damn...i almost didnt hack it in HS the first time:/ No Top 10 You are a silly goose VISA cancelled weirdo!!! Who cares what the wives think tho? Do you honestly know a single dude that cares what his wife thinks..? You cant put wives up above your own thoughts This guy was pretty great I could not care less what a guys wife (nor my own wife) thinks at all Hef believed in equal opportunities for stars/models/comics... I appreciate the man If a random wife complains about the boobies well...explain to her that there are doctors to help her now Some of the many reasons i admired the guys grit-thx earl!! He wasnt all about the boobs (which would have been fine) but he was very well read and thought things through... I dont see many modern celebs who lay it all out there and give the audience credit for being able to make their own call on things... Hef did! Mosy likely! Thx earl...i seem to be getting my ass kicked by Hef-Haters...but screw them...Hef did a lot for diversity and humor...seemed a Gent to me! Seems like we should stick up for guys like this!!!!! Awesome reply bro! That was a very sad and stupid post... stupid i i tell you Disagree Otter He gave young models and actresses a chance at stardom, was gay-Alt friendly before that was cool and offered work to up and coming African American celebs before most other moguls would... He was a self made guy legend Why the hate??? I doubt sexy times were a main feature of a lifetime movie...maybe cinemax or something...i have no idea...TheMan does NOT approve tho so we should skip it brah!