ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Right If the wall falls or the WWs get around somehow the Nights Watch loses any cred or reason to exist- I think he may be freed from his oath by this in the same way Jon was freed by his temporary death-and Lord Sam Tarly does have a nice ring to it! Deserves it more than most... i feel the same... But those are all fan-speculations ive keyed in on and nothing ive sorted out by myself I feell like most of our 'heroes/antiheroes' wil die in whats to come But Sam seems to be the official GRRM avatar and history writer i et he makes it out in one piece along with Gilly I think she looks very pretty this gastro-intestinal discomfort detected lol Plus as another poster said maybe shes super tense atm (who wouldnt be) and acting cranky as shes been taught a Westerosi queen should..? Anyway, the girl is looking fine to me;) I can only assume the kingdoms are still following the old Nights Watch rules...'i shall hold no titles nor lands...etc' If thats the case then no way However, im sure we all expect a huge shake up in the order of things any time, maybe after the wars are done AND if he survives (which i suspect and hope he will...) Good old Sammy could get a sweet castle to put his cute Gilly in after all! Agreed on Part personal fave by a mile Part 2 was my second favorite This one was just ok for me Nah...youre thinking of my cousin The Shogun of Harlem lol This would be the greatest team to geek out with over a fierce Dungeons and Dragons campaign lol Plus...baked goods! I stand corrected...jeez thats even more awful! Ha!! Nice one :))) Literally laughed out loud at that S2...Cool thx Olioz! Not sure we really need to see her again but yup...she was left to starve while she witnesses her daughters decomposition for several weeks at least... Pretty gruesome end! ^this... Two of my favorites! Fight to the death? No...but maybe fat guy dance-off ala Chris Farley when he tried out for Chippendales vs Swayze?? Could be more epic than Hardhome! I fear that we may have seen the last of them when the Raven's lair got raided and destroyed...pity Thx! Glenn under the dumster moment but whatever...i guess we knew his arc couldnt end yet Lol that WAS funny And yup...she is fine! I feel like the NK is about as frightening/evil as we need to get I read the books a few years ago and loved them- The political stuff keeps up throughout all five novels...part of the charm i suppose! GRRM created a work of genius by blending the 'real' political world with the fantastic dragons and ice-wights etc... In any event MadamShogun, i think Mr Martin wanted all the political stuff included and i think its just fine as is (imo:)) Heh...i spent the whole week wondering how the Kingslayer could have survived that watery/200 pound armor-suited grave! Then...yup, first scene, hes OK and quipping guys lol!!! I f'ing love this show but sometimes man...