ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Its the LEAST you can do when you are slandering a dead GENT you weirdo Hi Darren and glad to meet you! I think this harrowing film was simply about one guys issues and how he screwed everything up ... His best buddy died, he was too wasted to look out for his own mon, his girlfrliend was sadly humiliated... Drugs ARE lie Great film linky no clicky Take a nap kid This place is for grownups. Really sad Who has the words when such a thing happens :( Lolololol Yeah i could see that:) Giggling!!! Its just more of the lefty media nonsense...i mean... We are planning something thats going to be huge Huge...tremendous Were going to throw so many paper towel rolls at the time time zone its going to me Not even close you foreign exotic Canadian weirdo... Its not even quarter to 69 O'clock here in Gods country In the US we all use the same time cuz were on point!! You other 7 billion weirdos should get with the program already i killed myself the first time i watched this crybaby crap No regrets Im not sure what 00.50 means... Im gonna say maybe 123.456 ES hope that helps... I found it painfully boring Im not interested in a remake They did ok with this story once but really...who would buy this yuppy/shit material for a second round of boring and entitled well-off types struggling with marriage, relationships, personal issues etc... Fucking yawn 'Im gonna drive my $50k Volvo into the lake and end my well to do life...fuck it' Everybody in the original was a wealthy crybaby...NO remake Hope they are all dead by now Yes the time has passed It does imo I will look for it Certainly like a couple of his films a lot (Clockers is depressing and perfect) This sounds very interesting Hope he does it...the KKK is still pretty active and deserves to be observed and ridiculed in public Go Spike! Wow thx... So many emojies... Im ... dazed... Carla was not scary while chained up and available to eat right up (she WAS pretty hot tho lol :) And of course doggy booked out ... That creeper was really creepy!!! Ferals are tames gone wild Whatever Dazed... I like you and think YOURE cool and fun too Thx;) see you around Thought it was great!!! Rated it 11/10 Does that make me a super idiot? Great list Ill add Casino and Videodrome This guy was great! His dickishness is moot...were not talking about that here A dog that gets loose and reverts to its natural state to survive (stalking, killing for meat) is called a 'feral dog' No longer a tame pet and clearly very hungry he would have eaten every ounce of meat in that bedroom Including pretty Carla The husband called it a 'stray' when they almost hit it with the feral would be the word Dazed And it would have torn her to pieces if hubby wasnt on the floor like a buffet...hell, she had to kick it off the bed at one point And i know it wasnt Death but rather a serial killer that popped up in the last 10 minutes relating to none of the drama i had bought into prior... I thought the grave robber was a fine example of overwriting something that already worked perfectly Correct Gary They can tilt at windmills all damn day...nobody takes our guns here in the great USA It IS kinda cute to watch them try BTW... i totally agree with background checks, harsh sentencing for gun crimes and a wait period so nobody does anything stupid ... That seems fair