ShogunofYonkers's Replies

I like a fellow traveler who stands up for themselves...most welcome stranger! ps: brux is very cranky but pretty smart and worries with that one;) Pretty fun silly movie... I liked it I think he comes off pretty cool too I respect a movie star that stays outta trouble and acts nicely Cool;-) Me too Forget 'California Girls'...we got the babes right here in Yonkers and the Bronx...that there is the gospel of Mod buddie Wow!! Awestruck!!! The chase in The Seven Ups was pretty great too...give it a look! Damn...Eddie Coyle! I dont know anyone who has seen it...its a srsly underappreciated movie Mitchum was so great! Correct The American Mod is the greatest on high;) Thx... Cant believe this perverted assault stuff still goes on (it seems like its past time we cut this crap out...) Yeah i heard rumors about those Corey guys...horrible stuff These abusers should rot in jail BUT they are rich and connected so... Pretty awful stuff People just suck i guess Love this movie Ive seen it sooo many times I wish Rutger became a much bigger star in the US...hes so great! The remake was pretty lame btw:( Both films were 'sort of' based on actual crimes and featured big city cops who went totally baddass to bust bad guys... So Dirty Harry for me But French was really great ! I love Hackman...the guys a legend but Eastwood did the violent cop thing a bit better imo Lulz..;) That made no sense hombre...but i like you anyway:) See you tommorow 4-ish at 1 Drama Queen rd Shithole Town Crappy European Country... Cant wait dude!!! I Think shes pretty...not a bad looking lady! Good point Well taken You may be top poster Awesome buddie I got you a nerfball Oops...i spoiled the gift:/ See you tmmrw in Bulgaria (jeez...i hope my uber driver can find that shithole) Are we having pizza or goats (its goats..isnt it...?) I thought you were southeast of nobody gives a shit Ok see ya around 4-ish.... Cool thx!! Address and country and time So excited!! EVIL as hell!!! Lemme have it... Gimme the punchline lol you are not a clown tho Frog...youre pretty funny! I like you... Just dig deeper...youre better than this cheap stuff:/ Go for it for could be a great and interesting poster someday...