MovieChat Forums > Chris Pine Discussion > Seems like a great guy

Seems like a great guy

He seems like such a great guy at his best. From videos I've seen with him, he seems like such a kind-hearted, caring and warm person. He's as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside.


It is idiot adjacent to believe the stuff you see in media. Most major stars have agents and PR people so they are scripted to look good at whatever they do. Thus comes from the Hollywood is Liberal nonsense ... Hollywood has to look Liberal because the people who see their products do not want to have Conservative cruelty preached to them, they want hope. That is what the PR industry figured out a long time ago, so they put up a facade.


Wow, what a constructive way to address a disagreement with. And yes, note the sarcasm, son ;)

Perhaps it is a facade, but some analyzers happen to have people skills and how to spot genuinely good, sincere and kind people. And yes, I certainly believe that Chris is one of them.


I think he comes off pretty cool too
I respect a movie star that stays outta trouble and acts nicely


Thanks for agreeing.


I like a fellow traveler who stands up for themselves...most welcome stranger!
ps: brux is very cranky but pretty smart and worries with that one;)


Thanks for the praise, man :)


Most welcome:)
These posters are all kinds of kooky...have fun friendo!!!
See you around the funny farm😬


it is idiot adjacent to not be able to spot genuineness in people.
