ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Well done! Yeah...he used crappy and terrible words in the have i tbh... I recently said something 'unspeakable' to a shop full of strangers... And i meant it lol No political opinions here...BUT Baldwin has always been a personal hero of mine THIS guy does not give a damn...he just says the craziest/rudest/weirdest crap you ever heard and then he does another project...this guy is a boss!!! I dont even agree with him most of the time but C'MON...this guy is awesome World is pretty lousy...true! Keep drinking and screwing...thats ALWAYS the answer You are a great man;) Go get laid and go to sleep dude Thx Get some sleep...screw your will work itself out bro;) promise Right on cowboy YOU are the last true your cray style bud...promise me you wont hurt yourself..? WOW! that was a nearly unreadable wall of text good buddie... I think you may be fucking nuts dude!!! MUCH respect....i love a good lunatic! Thx for the link...i love links!! I dont think theres much story there tho...seems a normal prank...i dont see much of a story here Thx tho;)🍻 Well thank you:) Ive heard that too...but ive been lied to before... Im hoping its done well but i cant help being a doubting Thomas...hope you got it right chris...really hope youre right!! Scum go to prison Victims get all the help they need Really weird post ... wtf? Nice...thats a win in my book Yeah...just a few scenes with him in it... Could be a winner!! Garlin would certainly do in body size and appearance...hes not a great actor tho... Im kinda stumped on thisl Then we probably interacted before...sorry if so and i forgot...i never remember anything:( And thx! Well stated Agreed Thx Yeah sounds like one to avoid... Most appreciated! Nice handle btw lol Is that from Game of Thrones? Most welcome:) These posters are all kinds of kooky...have fun friendo!!! See you around the funny farm😬 Hes really good... Been in well over 100 movies and TV shows...HUGE respect for less famous actors like this dude! Hmm...been meaning to watch this I love horror anthologies but... May skip it now Thx Madam! Wow!!! Im actually shocked...i cant believe all the bigwigs didnt simply circle the wagons for dirty old Harvey...maybe he is totally doomed... He certainly deserves it...