UncleRuckis's Posts

Wife banging the Marriage counselor!!! How many times can they make this movie How many assassins does a man have to kill before the rest take the hint? Who else went to the Lowes website and looked up a Japanese toilet Dude is carrying every movie he's in! Whatever god that rules this world is a straight up dick! (spoiler) Why would Raiden leave all the marked fighters defenseless and unaware? Car Ghost is probably gonna be a junkyard ghost inside of a year Mike made a huge mistake If episode 3 taught me anything? Kind of odd she doesn't just play professional poker So they were trying to steal 7 billion(spoiler) So it's a Batman show, but with all new original characters? On the bright side for Gemma Three thousand for one night? Glanced at the title and cover art and thought it was Schwarzenegger and another Terminator movie Just binged watch this from start to finish and all the movies on a road trip As a cop, Joel stands a pretty decent chance of beating this thing Definitely needs a sequel So the cops thought they killed a child with a homemade pipe bomb...