MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > If episode 3 taught me anything?

If episode 3 taught me anything?

It's that I am woefully unprepared for a Zombie apocalypse. My little go-bag just pales in comparison to Bill's setup and I wouldn't know to do a tenth of the things he did.


Agreed. I was sitting there wondering if I'd be able to build a generator. Didn't have to wonder long, the answer is no.


Yeah I agree... I might be able to knock off a couple of zombies... but man I would need to find a Bill real quick if I wated to survive long term;-)


Most preppers won't have everything. Even dedicated ones will have to cut corners as resources are usually not limitless. There's always something they could have done better. Some of the stuff is acquired after the fact.


If anything, it is the other way around. It’s not hard to survive this Zombie apocalypse as long as you avoid the cities.

The worst you need to worry about is a some humans coming to steal your stuff every 10 years.

Otherwise, you are just chilling in your own personal paradise.


What makes you think it's only once every 10 years?


Because that’s what the series has shown us.

Other than that, they were too relaxed to be in a Zombie apocalypse.


The episode does a bad job of telling you exactly who Bill was, what did he did for a living, what training he had, etc so we couldn’t guess anything about him about what he knew & how. Maybe he was military, who knows or an engineer or a scientist, etc. You just have to assume everything I guess based off what you see.
