Heisenberg's Replies

I wish they made more of them. That is not culture. That IS pure stupidity. It's a LATIN alphabet. Its letter have a clear pronunciation. If Gaelic wants to use their own alphabet with its own pronunciation, they should make it. Otherwise, I read sa or sie. Not ser sha. She looks like shit for a woman. She is ok as a still growing teen. Problem is, she is not a teen anymore and is done growing. No. The kool aid is long gone with them. So you want to pet a rabid mongrel. Good luck! I think it is a complete waste of time. You cannot reason with it, you cannot bargain with it. These maga trumpists lack the will to understand, they grovel in their ignorance, stupidity and obtuseness. And you want to reflect with them???? This. No man, moviebuff is right on the money, and this movie fails on that regard. In Match Point I was totally rooting for him not to get caught, even if he was a horrible person there were some sides of him that we could agree with. Same as in Ripley's character in the books and in Minghella's film, he is horrible but we can sympathize with him and his cirumstances, and we can root for him. In this series all that's lost, most of these points are not finessed at all, and it's impossible to root for him (or anybody else in the story). Agreed completely, and above all, they don't even understand what made the books good. Yes. He still has a few accusation trials open. He should get his ass fucked in those: if I were one of the accusers, after this leak, I would feel pretty confident of WINNING my case at this point. Why would I want to settle now? Yes but we need to lock em up! Totally correct. Since when being bald is a "less attractive" tract for WOMEN??? What are you, 12? It totally is. Not because he's an abusive asshole. But because it's total crap now as it was 30 years ago. No man. The thrill is gone. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. Stallone mastered the sequel idea in his career. It's actually back then that the concept was mastered in Hollywood. Nowadays, 40 years later, it's abused as every fucking movie has a sequel. It's not only expected, it's sure. If anything, most of the times the only surprise it's a "they are making a sequel to THAT?!?!" situation. But mostly, it's just assumed. And certainly, as thrilling as a new McDonalds: Wow! I wonder what they will serve in there!!!! Totally correct. It's how specific it is that is offputting. It does not feel organic with the rest of the writing. It smells of screenwriting class 101 "my character needs a reson to react and do this and this". "Well, he could get mad when he is called chicken". So they forced this random gimmick in. I have to say, you enjoyed it more than I did. I found Hamm particularly off in this, not his performance but the way he does not fit the smug, funny, slobby character. He keeps trying to go against his Draper persona but I think it is not working. And yeah, I hated the wrap up but I was not surprised like you, the whole movie put Fletch behind Griz and pretty much everyone else. This project was the dream of those same asshole types that said 007 is a chouvinistic dinosaur from the 60s and he needed to apologize and be cancelled. In many Craig's movies they address this, but thank God his character keeps his stubborn way to act and seems not to care too much. In this Fletch movie instead, that same sentiment is so transparent and dominant that it overwhelmed everything in the film, starting with its main character, to expose him and to point out his flaws and ridicule him for them. It felt like they wanted to retell his story out of hate for him, so they could fix what was said in the 80s and make it right. "She would make great choice as Dil in a remake of The Crying Game, just add a prosthetic in the reveal scene." That is a great idea. Max, but most other guys too, is mad about seeing his name and his franchise being dragged into movies that do not star him. That is a fact. I can only imagine her disappointment when she realized there was no handjob scene. Poor Nicole.