Heisenberg's Replies

There is some light at the end of the tunnel. Even if incredible, I like this idea. Nope. 2 1 3 4 Yes. 2 1 3 4 That is the reply from the asshat troll with 6581 posts about Trump in the past month alone. 1 I replied to someone else 2 Why don't YOU take a looooong holiday and fuck off forever? Sure, but Biden is not saying that. Trump is. So, Trump is the one inviting his voters to stay at home and don't vote at all... You mean the same bait and switch they did 9 years ago? People are still pissed off. Him lying or telling the truth, in this case makes no difference: If Trump is right and the upcoming election is rigged and Biden will win anyway, then voting for Trump is just a waste of time. If Trump is lying and the election is not rigged, then voting for Trump is a waste of time. That's your choice, but I wouldn't waste any time in a rigged election, what is the point anyway? If anything, since it's rigged, they might take your vote and give it to the other side, so they can keep the same total number and make it look legit. So watch out. Don't contribute to this rigged election! OK but since HE SAYS IT'S RIGGED SO WE KNOW IT WILL BE RIGGED, WE MIGHT AS WELL NOT VOTE FOR HIM AND NOT TAKE PART IN THIS RIGGED ELECTION. How so? I hear Trump denouncing the fact that it will be rigged again against him. So, there's no reason to even wait in line to vote for him. I am not surprised. I also know that when he accuses others of rigging competitions against him, he loses said competition. So I wonder, why should we even go to the booth to vote for him since he already knows it will be rigged? It TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IS CINEMA, projected on a TV or on a smartphone or on my dick. It's not A cinema. As an artform, cinema can be watched anywhere you want. Of course, the effect is different. For instance, I doubt that ANY MOVIE EVER MADE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA was intended to be viewed with an asshole chomping on smelly nachos next to you for 2 hours. Like I already stated, there is no debate here. Your reply just confirms it, not that there was any need. There is no debate here. The latin alphabet has one, and only one, correct pronunciation: the latin one. Which is close to Italian, but not exactly it. Every other neolatin language (if that is what you mean by "Latin languages") is also off. Other European languages are even farther off with their pronunciation. Gaelic is clearly using a bizarre pronunciation that makes no sense to pretty much every other language based on the latin alphabet, but that is beside the point here, which is: Saoirse would be pronounced sa oir se by a Latin. And THAT is the correct way to pronounce that sequence of latin letters. Is Dutch LATIN??? Is English LATIN??? Is German LATIN??? Is Italian LATIN??? Which part about the latin alphabet having a clear LATIN pronunciation escapes your intellect? I wish they made more of them. That is not culture. That IS pure stupidity. It's a LATIN alphabet. Its letter have a clear pronunciation. If Gaelic wants to use their own alphabet with its own pronunciation, they should make it. Otherwise, I read sa or sie. Not ser sha. She looks like shit for a woman. She is ok as a still growing teen. Problem is, she is not a teen anymore and is done growing. No.