Heisenberg's Replies

Best recap ever. Nothing needs to be added. This should be THE first thing explained about this film saga and its historic value, but everybody got fooled by toys, games, lunch boxes and whatever the fuck else. Everybody including Goerge Lucas. Cleaning toilets. Being in this movie. I have two hands. I would punch both. Yes, that is all true. But you have got to start somewhere. She is a great start, as she fucked up royally unfuckable sagas. Come on, look at the staggering damage she has single handedly caused. Jar Jar can go second, he is another asshole that should have known better. I think she has darkvision. Gotta check the manual again for her class. Ahaha lol He looks great bald. Most men do. Everybody did. Gary Coleman is #1 Coleman of the world. Adolf Hitler would be a better president than the felon/insurgent. Still, there are millions of idiots that would vote for trump, I know a big argument is Biden's age for them, so a stronger VP choice would shut em up and make them think. Harris is a good VP, but a president many would not want. I think she is a weak link on the ticket. She needs to come out strongly in the next 6 months. That would be a good match for him. All except for the irony. There is no irony there, just straight facts. 10/10 Maybe he can find another black female to replace her. Or any other minority. Or gender. In fact, he could get a white dude and it would be fine to anybody but racists, as long as it's a better choice. O think anybody that says "little pedo" is just projecting his own fantasies. I understand where you are coming from. Just how little are you? Ok the abortion issue gives her a boost. But Biden could still pick a more popular VP candidate than her. Let's see who trump picks, that could be relevant at this point. That is THE biggest plot hole ever! I did, I just wrote you that I saw them trump pictures. Of trump? Sure I saw it. Thanks again