MovieChat Forums > Cheers (1982) Discussion > Greatest Sitcom of All Time?

Greatest Sitcom of All Time?

It's got to be up there, right?

What a cast, and what an array of characters. And the show never flagged, even after they replaced Diane with Rebecca. It was consistent to the end (give or take a few character retcons here and there).


I actually thought the show got better over time, which I don't know I can say about any other TV show in existence. It's in my top 5 for sure.


Seinfeld definitely got better. First season is decent.


Good one, but not the greatest (that honor goes to Seinfeld, which pretty much ended the form, as I far as I'm concerned).


I think Fresh Prince ended the form due to how they toyed with convention like breaking the fourth wall (e.g. Will referring to the studio set lights: "If we're so rich, why we can't afford no ceiling?"), showing bloopers at the end of an episode and even a behind-the-scenes episode where the cast played heightened versions of themselves.


I would probably say "yes" also. A lot of it for me is the length and time of its run. I was in junior high school when this premiered in 1982 and a working professional by the time it ended in 1993. I didn't see every episode when they first aired, but I tried hard not to miss one. It was such a great show. I do have some criticisms of it (I didn't like the final episode...I think Sam and Diane should have gotten married, plus I liked Eddie)...but what a show (Cliff on Jeopardy was just a classic! 😃).


One of the best, for sure. I thought it got even better after they replaced Diane with Rebecca.


Oh yes it's up there in the top 5 for sure. The producers, writers, outstanding cast, survived the loss of TWO great characters, Coach and Diane.

1. Cheers - Great for it's entire run. Could have probably gone on another 3-5 seasons.
2. Frasier - A fantastic spinoff that was highly entertaining for 7 seasons, then a fairly steep dropoff but still many watchable episodes.
3. Seinfeld - I can't watch the first 2 seasons but after that it's one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.
4. The 70's Bob Newhart show was so fun and easy to watch.
5. M.A.S.H or All in the Family or That 70's Show.
