HorrorMetal's Replies

He said that Sprug was “a wart on the asshole of the universe”. Yep. And also, it was actually Bunny who remained shrunken at the end of Bad Channels and not Ginger. I think the makers of this film just didn’t care enough. Tim Curry I wonder that every time I watch this movie. And couldn’t she have at least given him a hand when he was right next to the boat? Haha thanks. Scrappy Doo by far! I do. I still own it and play it to this day. I prefer Don Messick’s Scrappy to Lennie Weinrib’s. Great review. I agree with every word. I always wondered that too, why Dracula and Shaggy didn’t recognize each other in Reluctant Werewolf despite having met already in this one. Pretty much everything said by the Boo Brothers was gold. I wish they could have gotten a spin-off. Love it! It’s probably my second favorite incarnation of Scooby Doo next to the original. I think this is the absolute greatest thing with the Scooby Doo name on it. I just consider them elongated episodes. Even if they’re only ordinary humans, they could still be dangerous. Yeah, I like how this film broke away from the mold a bit. It was a nice change of pace. Good catch. Payne made the movie for me. Ashley Laurence was great too. It has some silly moments but it mostly takes itself pretty seriously. That trailer is on the Arrow Video Blu-Ray.