HorrorMetal's Replies

I always wondered this as well. Indeed she does. “The Ventriloquist’s Dummy” Yeah, lots of really dumb stuff in this movie. I disagree, I think it’s a lot of fun. Yeah, that would have seriously sucked. Hell Night Right up there with Schindler’s List. I agree. I’ve seen worse. Much worse. Agreed. In this movie. 1. Who's your favorite Captain? Kirk 2. What's your favorite series? The Original Series 3. Which movies do you like? 2, 3, 4, 6, First Contact, Star Trek ‘09, Into Darkness 4. Which movies do you like, but know they're kind of bad? 5 and Generations I find it to be quite a bit of fun, despite being such a Fright Night ripoff like you said. Psyched! Love it. How about Emma Stone? Excellent! He was the greatest. I disagree, I think it’s a lot of fun.