Pinjetre's Replies

Coop deserves a peaceful family life with barbecue and playful hanky panky with Naomi Watts before his memory comes back. Lots and lots of helllllooooo there, and some insecure thumbs up before his past and present meet again. So many things we wish would happen! Yes yes, the balance of dark and light is the true magic of Twin Peaks. That was so inventive! Imagine, that was all our man was capable of after returning from The Lodge, falling through deep space and being reborn through a socket in the wall - as a well dressed but clueless "Dougie": "HELLLLOOOOOOO!!!!!" And suddenly it was raining money. Paydirt! And Mr. Jackpot shouting " HELLLLOOOOOOOO!" Evil Coop seem just empty and bored, having totally lost his fire and energy from the finale in season 2. But he is not willing to leave the party and go back to where he came from, so we will have to suffer him for many episodes still, and in the end he might beat our good old Coop. It's David Lynch and we are not guaranteed a comfortable ending. Breakfast scene in the Dougie household was extremely funny. Wifey was so busy making pancakes that she missed her husband' tie wrapped around his head. The kid was having a ball! Just like me right now, re-watching the first episodes of season 2, and Leland has just turned white haired and is going all: "Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey, a kiddley divey too, wooden shoe", lololol. Hahaha, The Movements are so great! Absolutely stunning and fascinating. I've read many complaints about them being ridiculous, but I loved them. Some fans will always be pissed off anyway, no matter what awaits us this season. I wish Cooper soon will come to his old self and find his way back to The Great Northern, loose the identity of Dougie and send evil Cooper back to the lodge. So many wishes! :-) Am looking forward to episode 5!!! Clever you, I agree about similarities from The OA! It could be the real space, but it could also be a new dimension between life and death, between heaven and hell. And remember, Major Briggs came to agent Cooper with a print of signals from outer space. We will move in mysterious ways this season ... Lord, that would be even worse than anything else! That creature was absolutely a mix of the Alien and the worst ghost you could imagine. Nothing human about that one, and it looked like something made of shroud pasted on thin air - with very sharp teeth. No ideas. It was scary! The sound of all nightmares. This scene really terrified and disturbed me, just like BOB did back then. Yes, they just kept coming, didn't they? Ashley Judd, Naomi Watts ... This is promising! May we soon be united with many of our old friends from earlier seasons. For pie and coffee! Sad indeed to see Miguel. Such a loss, for him personally, but also for us who admire and love his character in TP. I re-watch season 1 as we speak, and treasure every moment with Albert. Denise is hilarious, and I just laughed when she had a word with Gordon about him and very young attractive female agents. Gordon: I'M OLD SCHOOL! Second that. Holy jumping George! DEPUTY Bobby Briggs, looking better than ever! Lucy and Andy having a nut job son named Wally Brando, a biker and wannabe deep thinker with a lisp. David Duckovny / Denise in all her glory, the great Albert Rosenfeld (may the road rise to meet your wheels, dear Miguel Ferrer). From episode 4, I am definitely on board! Watching right now. So far no opinion yet. Just halfway into episode 1, and a little confused by the slow, dreamy, nightmarish way every character behave, but it´s Lynch ... I am exited and am going to watch all 4 episodes in one sitting. My Name is Yesbody. I wholeheartedly agree that the journalist Karen was absolutely terrible. Detested her. And the defense lawyers in second season plus the whole Sandbrook bunch. What I don´t understand is the hatred for Mark and Beth, specially Beth. Yes, she is lashing out, being unfair to many people, but remember she is walking grief, loss and pregnancy hormones in both season 1 and 2. In season 3 she is much more calm, compassionate and fair. Mark is a mess in many ways, and have serious need to process emotions and grow up. But they are good people, decent people with flaws and weaknesses. Olly is a shit that lacks moral compass and conscience. I discussed the cantina scene with my chiropractor (you got to talk about something else when practitioners like him perform the most absurd things with your body) and he was just as moved and awe struck as I was. Such courage from people on the receiving end of a gun! It was beautiful and uplifting. I love her too. Rosamund Pike and Emily Blunt are great actresses in anything they do, and I loved Pike from seeing her as Lady Harriet in the mini series Wives and Daughters, and Blunt from her Natasha in TV movie Gideon's Daughter. You want to watch him in "The OA" on Netflix. He is great. I guess it´s a prescription drug with codeine. Mixed with scotch, his mother´s Martini or beer it would be a potent drug to consume. I agree! I´ve also binged all seasons, but skipped the alien mythology at first. But then I was hooked on Mulder and Scully once again, and had to watch the alien episodes just to spend a little more time with my old friends. But the stand alone are the best in my opinion.