Loved It!

Twin Peaks is back with a bang (bang).

Just enough quirkiness, intrigue, cinematography, music, new characters and old favourites to show he hasn't lost his touch.

Can't wait to see where the storyline goes.


I'm not sure how i felt about it. I love the scenes with the old crew.

The new stuff felt off. It was a bit more late 90's Lynch. I though the middle had some reallyyyyyyy long drawn out scenes that went on too long. I particularly didn't like the middle with Matthew Lillard.


Was there a traffic light swaying in the wind? "Twin Peaks" ain't "Twin Peaks" without a shot of a traffic light swaying in the wind.


Just some thinly veiled references to coffee. That was my biggest beef. It was good but didn't feel very Twin Peaks-ish.

The darkness was there but that small town quirkiness was missing.


What other show, then or now, would have bothered with a long shot of a traffic light swaying in the wind? Those kind of details, not who killed Laura Palmer, were what drove the original "Twin Peaks."


No but there was an eerie night train crossing shot.


I agree with some of that assessment. I liked the second part more than the first as it felt much more within its own world, if that makes sense. I don't mind that the first one felt off, I appreciate they had quite the undertaking bringing this back and having to set up new story lines and all....but it definitely dragged at times where I was waiting and wanted it to move on.

Putting new stuff in with the old, established stuff seems a tricky balance and maybe the first one just had too much of that new stuff and it didn't allow us that welcoming back space. I don't know, but I found myself much more compelled by the following episode.


No show got the "small-town feel" better than "Twin Peaks." I admire Lynch's ambitiousness but hope he doesn't lose sight of Twin Peaks itself.


To be upfront, I was never a super-fan of the show. I've always held a more distance fondness for it, rather than the sacred love a lot of people have for I didn't come with too many high expectations and with bated breath like I'm sure many did, so all this is to say I was bound to come at it with a more critical eye.

So, even if it didn't feel like the old show or whatever, I didn't think that would make or break it for me. I just think it was still surprising, however, that we seemed to get less of the show we knew right out the gate. I kinda thought there would be more of an ease into the newer stuff, but whatever, Lynch has never cared all that much for convention. But it has wildly gone beyond the lines of what we knew, which is bold (or like you said ambitious), but I don't know if it'll work for a lot of people.

Personally, I like the more serious tone to it. The melodramatic cheesiness of the original never appealed to me and kinda turned me off from probably loving it more. So, for it to turn away from that a little more and dive into this kind of nightmare opera is great for me. I had a feeling I'd like this go around more than the last just cause of how much TV has changed and gotten much better since the show was on and so far, for the most part, that's been proven right.

But it's a very delicate edge Lynch is walking by taking the familiar and hurling that towards places so outside the world many had come to adore. Anything this weird and unconventional would be a gamble even if it was a new show, so the fact that it's coming from a deeply loved cult one makes it all the more so! Just gotta watch how it all plays out....

/end rant, haha...for now.


Seems a lot of it so far is set outside of Twin Peaks, which is unfortunate, but I am hoping it all soon gravitates back to be mainly based there.

Episode 3... WOW! First 15 minutes or so was insane lol.


Yeah, I was surprised how much of it hasn't been terribly actively engaged with the actual town and most of the other main characters, but ya know...there are plenty more episodes so I imagine it'll happen, I just thought I'd see more familiar faces than I have!

And I just finished the 3rd ep. [spoiler] Cooper's whole ride through the BL was trippy ass hell [/spoiler]


Yeah I loved those first 15 minutes!!!!! Great stuff!!!! The 'creature' reminded me of a Francis Bacon painting.

I don't mind if Twin Peaks has set it's scope further out than the town so we see the bigger picture of what is happening, and eventually the plot will concentrate back in the town as new characters are introduced or reintroduced.

I don't mind if TP get's really dark at times as I'm a big fan of Lynch's darker work, like Mullholland Drive. I'm also enjoying all the fun 'inbetween' scenes, like Cooper in the casino for example. My, that was a blast! lol Mr Jackpot!!! lol


And Mr. Jackpot shouting " HELLLLOOOOOOOO!"


HELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!!! Jeez that scene alone made it worth the 25 year wait! lol


That was so inventive! Imagine, that was all our man was capable of after returning from The Lodge, falling through deep space and being reborn through a socket in the wall - as a well dressed but clueless "Dougie": "HELLLLOOOOOOO!!!!!" And suddenly it was raining money. Paydirt!


lol If I were wifey I would march him down to Las Vegas and stand behind him with a huge empty sack and fill it with all the money he would win, and I too would join in the 'HELLLLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!'.

Yes really inventive. Poor Coop, he really does 'get around'. lol

Light and darkness, that's what I love about Twin Peaks.

Anyways, I kind of want Cooper to be Dougie for a while longer as I'm enjoying it so much. I will love to see a Dougie and Wifey bed scene next and Dougie suddenly shouting 'HELLLOOOOO!!!!!!!'. LOL


Coop deserves a peaceful family life with barbecue and playful hanky panky with Naomi Watts before his memory comes back. Lots and lots of helllllooooo there, and some insecure thumbs up before his past and present meet again. So many things we wish would happen! Yes yes, the balance of dark and light is the true magic of Twin Peaks.


Amen! lol


Big smile, give me high five! :-)))))


:-))))) 😀


Like others have said, I have mixed feelings. It doesn't really FEEL like Twin Peaks. It feels much darker and weirder and seems to have lost the narrative of the small town where strange stuff happens.

I have only seen the first two parts so I'm hoping that the show settles down and finds its groove soon.

One thing about the original show was that it felt like Lynch was restrained from going full Lynch. He had to make something that was at least fairly conventional and palatable to mainstream audiences. But with this incarnation of the show, it feels like the handcuffs are off and he's been given carte blanche to do whatever.


Be patient, it's slowly but surely getting there. Just wait for Episode 3.....that really does feel like old Twin Peaks.


Some of those long scenes featuring mundane activities could have benefited from that Twin Peaks music the classic series was always playing, but I guess Lynch decided to make some changes this time around.

I like the new season so far anyway though, and can hardly wait to watch the next episodes.


Believe me, that twin peaks music will make an appearance later on in the series. Lynch isn't going to hand out all his candies all at once...he's doing it one at a time.... an old character or two re-introduced each episode, a bit of this, a bit of that....slowly rebuilding the twin peaks picture...until everything is as it should be.


I suspect you're right.


I didn't sign up for 18 episodes with Bob... hopefully Cooper finds his way back home soon. I wouldn't mind him if he played a parallel character throughout the series... but I don't want him instead of Dale.

I don't know what people were expecting unless they didn't watch the second season. Was pleasantly surprised to see most everyone slip effortlessly back into character... Ben and Jerry didn't miss a beat, same with Andy and Lucy, and Hawk, and mom Shelly still captured the sweetness of her original character. The two new characters watching the box seemed promising... they felt like worthy successors to the younger generation in the original... hope they aren't gone permanently although their situation certainly didn't look good . The "being" inside the box was really well done. I've had enough of the Black Lodge for now... if they go any further there, it would be as if Kubrick made a sequel to 2001 or The Shining... yet spent the entire time in the old man's room or the elevator lobby. Seeing the Log Lady was bittersweet and touching... I hope it was her wish to make it on the show one last time and that her appearance made her happy. Matthew Lillard fits in nicely with the washed up teen movie actor recycled as pillar of the community sleazeball idea that Lynch effectively used with Beymer and Tamblyn. I miss Audrey... but I suppose there's no coming back from being chained to a vault next to an exploding bomb. Maybe somehow Annie will make a surprise appearance.

I don't know if Lynch is even trying for a second season... didn't read up on that... but if he's trying to win a new audience he's carved himself a tough road so far. I loved it but it seems like its audience would be limited to hardcore fans of the director and the show itself.


I think in prison Cooper/Bob will meet the guy from Prison Break, the one who played TJ, and he will enter him eventually, and that will leave his 'vessel' free for Cooper to re-enter. Let's hope so anyway, as I can't imagine Dougie/Cooper doing anything more than keep winning jackpots in the casino.

As for those two new characters watching the box.....well I think they won't be around much longer, I'm afraid.

Yeah I loved seeing the Log Lady. She looked so frail though, that it was actually really sad.

I think Audrey will come back, maybe with husband and teenager in tow. Or perhaps she will be in the Lodge and give Cooper clues.

As for Annie, it would be a great surprise for Heather Graham to make an appearance. I mean, how could Cooper live with himself if he doesn't to try to save Annie in the Lodge?

I really don't think Lynch will try for a new season, I think this will be the final season and that's why he is directing all episodes so that it will go out in style, just like he had envisioned all those years ago.


I suspect Audrey is who Albert and Cole are looking for, who "drinks" at the Bang Bang Club. Just my guess...


Oh yeah, I forgot about the 'drinks' bit, but that's why I had originally thought they must be referring to Audrey.

I wonder when Dianne will make an appearance then....


I'm hoping for Audrey or Annie (and also for a surprise Heather Graham appearance at some point), but I figured Dianne is a possibility too.


I don't know where I read that Laura Dern was going to play Dianne. If not who is she playing?
