MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > SPOILER! Episode who was bangi...

SPOILER! Episode who was banging.... the door? Were they going to break the door down?

Any ideas?


No ideas. It was scary! The sound of all nightmares. This scene really terrified and disturbed me, just like BOB did back then.


Do you think it could have been the person/creature who broke through the glass box? I say that because in that scene it also seemed like at first they were banging against the glass.

I agree, it conveyed an atmosphere of pure menace and eeriness. Great stuff!


Lord, that would be even worse than anything else! That creature was absolutely a mix of the Alien and the worst ghost you could imagine. Nothing human about that one, and it looked like something made of shroud pasted on thin air - with very sharp teeth.


I don't know where I read many years ago that if Twin Peaks would of had more seasons, it was going to turn out that aliens were behind all this. I don't know if it is true or not, but that creature could have been kind of alien. Maybe inter-dimensional aliens, or something.

I mean, when you think about it, why was Cooper surrounded by space when he went up to the roof? You know what that space scene also reminded me of? Of certain scenes in The OA.

Anyway that creature also reminded me of some of Francis Bacon's paintings and also the creature in Pan's Labryrinth a bit.


Clever you, I agree about similarities from The OA! It could be the real space, but it could also be a new dimension between life and death, between heaven and hell. And remember, Major Briggs came to agent Cooper with a print of signals from outer space. We will move in mysterious ways this season ...

reply sure does! I had forgotten about those signals from out space.

Maybe all Cooper has to do is do The Movements and he will go back in time to even before Laura was killed and be able to prevent it all. Wouldn't that be a great ending. It would piss off some fans though. lol


Hahaha, The Movements are so great! Absolutely stunning and fascinating. I've read many complaints about them being ridiculous, but I loved them. Some fans will always be pissed off anyway, no matter what awaits us this season. I wish Cooper soon will come to his old self and find his way back to The Great Northern, loose the identity of Dougie and send evil Cooper back to the lodge. So many wishes! :-) Am looking forward to episode 5!!!


Oh yeah, I loved The Movements! Sometimes I re-watch that scene in the final episode in youtube just for the sheer pleasure of it. Brilliant stuff.

I kinda liked Dougie! [spoiler] I'm having fun watching Cooper/Dougie and his wifey, Naomi Watts. And the kid too. [/spoiler] They are a hoot! I bet they had a great time shooting those scenes.

BTW I wonder how many other 'manufactured' Coopers are out there. lol.

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of Evil Cooper, though I don't think he'll be sent to the lodge any time soon, I'm afraid. Can't even stand his suntan! lol


Evil Coop seem just empty and bored, having totally lost his fire and energy from the finale in season 2. But he is not willing to leave the party and go back to where he came from, so we will have to suffer him for many episodes still, and in the end he might beat our good old Coop. It's David Lynch and we are not guaranteed a comfortable ending.

Breakfast scene in the Dougie household was extremely funny. Wifey was so busy making pancakes that she missed her husband' tie wrapped around his head. The kid was having a ball! Just like me right now, re-watching the first episodes of season 2, and Leland has just turned white haired and is going all: "Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey, a kiddley divey too, wooden shoe", lololol.
